Chapter 37: The Wedding Part 4-Thanos Takes Matters Into His Own Hands

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I was pacing back and fourth in my room questioning if Loki escaped Thanos. As the minutes ticked by I was starting to become more and more worried about Loki. I've only known him for a short period of time but he has treated me differently than everyone else. He actually worried about my safety and wellbeing, he teased me all the time, he always tried to help me even when I claimed I didn't need him, and he's always been there for me. Over the last two months I have slowly been falling in love with Loki and I started to care for him, but my time with him is over for I know what is to come. As long as Loki is safe I will continue on with my plan.

I opened a compartment in the desk in my room and grabbed the knife I hid in there a few dinners ago. I hid the knife in my bouquet of flowers and sighed. I am going to save millions of lives but at a great cost. After I double checked my appearance in the mirror I heard a knock on my door. Since the door was locked I couldn't answer it. I heard a rattling sound of keys and a maid walked in.

"My lady the wedding is about to begin and Thanos sent me to escort you." She said.

I looked over my shoulder to the window before I started to walk out the door. The maid walked beside me as guards followed behind us. Two guards at the end held my vail to prevent it from getting wrinkled. As we walked down the hallways, all I could hear was the heels the maid and I wore. Usually brides are all excited and smiling as they are walking towards their fiancés, but I know I will only feel pain and guilt. I feel as if I failed myself and I'm scared for what has yet to come. The maid took me to a room connected to a ballroom. The maid lock the doors and the guards go through the doors into the ballroom. The only door that isn't locked is the one that leads to the ballroom where the wedding will commence. I wait for the doors to open, but they never do. Instead I see Clint fall right next to me face first.

"Way to go Clint you gave away our position." I heard Natasha say. I look up and see the avengers and Wade? Soon after they all jump down as well and start to rid the maid. I run over to Loki and Tony and give them a hug.

"I knew you guys would come for me." I said.

"Hey what about me." Wade said as I ran over and hugged him as well.

"What are you doing here Wade?" I said.

"You honestly thought these shit heads could find you without me." He said as I raised my eyebrows. "What its true we wouldn't be here without the portal I created which FYI was fun to ride."

"Well I'm glade you all came." I said.

"As am I." I heard Thanos say. I turned around and saw him at the door. He was dressed in his full armor and looked as if he could kill anyone with his glare. "You honestly thought you could hide from my security cameras and soldiers. It wasn't hard to find you in fact, I just wanted Elizabeth to say goodbye to all of you before you all die." He said as he pointed a gun to them.

"What's one gun gonna do to us?" Tony said. Then Thanos whistled and dozens of  guards armed with guns pointed at the avengers popped out of nowhere.

"You just had to ask." Steve said.

"Elizabeth I will ask you one more time come with me willingly or your friends will die." Thanos said.

"No, we can fight them Liz. We can win this thing." Tony said.

"I'm sorry." I said. "Thanos I accept your offer if I can say goodbye and see that they are brought back to their place without any injuries." I said.

"We have a deal. You have three minutes to say goodbye to them." Thanos said.

I nodded my head and walked to Natasha and Clint. I hugged them.

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