Chapter 9

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N e w   T e a c h e r

~ Karmsuma's Pov ~

Yuma Isogai and Hiroto Maehara. They got great reflexes, and when they work as a pair, their knives hit the mark more often now.

Karma Akabane. He seems like the evasive, meandering type at first glance, but there's great mischief in those eyes.

Hikari Bell. I can tell she is an assassin as she said once. But I think her forte is with guns more than close to close combat. But she is getting better for close to close.

Hoshi Nana. She is the best in close to close combat. She is like a tiger that has not ate for 2 days. But I feel more strength in her, but she is hiding it.

The girls. Hinata Okano's unpredictable movements born of her gymnastics background. Meg Kataoka with a reach and momentum to rival the boys'.

~ Hoshi's Pov ~

Karmsuma hit Nagisa a tad bit to hard. We looked and saw that he was okay. Hinano went up and asked Karmsuma if he wanted to get a bite to eat, he denied.

Another new teacher was there.

Takaoka. He had sweets right upfront of us. He is going to take over pe for Karmsuma. Koro~Sensei started to fawn over the sweet part.

I just got up with no one notice and walked to a nearby tree. I climbed it about 10 times. But failed alot. And finally got up. I fell asleep a few minutes later.

Next day-

I decided to skip pe and go home for the day, being to lazy myself, so yeah.

~ Hikari's Pov ~

Tadaoka, he was crazy. The schedule not even enough time for school. 300 squats, I can do easy, but not the class. The is violent and everything disgusting. We all want Karmsuma back. Asap.

Right here and now, Nagisa vs Tadaoka. They got in their position. Nagisa had a smile walking up to him. Like a normal humans day of walking to school. Nagisa walked into him and stayed there, 3 seconds.

Then stabbed up, quick. He tugged on his shirt making him stumble more then the first time. He went around. And had the knife to his throat. With his other hand, on Tadaokas eyes.

Koro~Sensei started to yack about knifes and that Nagisa could of gotten himself hurt. I hugged Nagisa saying, " You did great. Like a natural born assassin. " Maehara went up to him and slapped him.

He wanted to see if he was the real Nagisa, I do have to say, I was going to do that too. Tadaoka got up yelling angry talking about how he is going to rip Nagisa limb from limb. Haaaaaarsh. Nagisa started to say if a round 2 was up, he would lose.

" Thanks for trying, but, Karmsuma is the class dad. " he said bowing.

Tadaoka yelled and was about to hit Nagisa but I elbowed him in the jaw and he went down. Karmsuma camaraderie and apologize about his colleague being to harsh and threatening Nagisa.

" Like if you're going to take this job over my dead bo- " " That won't be necessary. " I looked back to see Mr.Asano. he walked up to Tadaoka and so ed a pink slip in his mouth.

Then Mr.Asano left. Tadaoka got up crying out, " Damn it! " and ran away. We all went out to get some sweets with a creepy Koro~Sensei behind us.😓

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