11- The Court Of Miracles

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After making it home safely, Layla was about to make her way to her bed, when she heard chanting, coming from one of the catacombs. Dozens of gypsies began making their way towards the great hall.
"Hey! Where is everyone going?" Layla asked one of her friends.
"They caught two of Frollo's spies trying to enter through the passageway in the graveyard. I think Clopin is going to hang them" replied the girl.
She ran off after the others, and Layla looked down at Djali.
"Shall we go and see what all the fuss is about?" Layla asked him.
Djali bleated, and Layla decided to follow her friend into the main hall.

Layla never liked the idea of executing someone, even if they were a traitor. But she knew that their secret hideout, had to stay a secret.
As she got closer to the stage, where the nooses were, she realised who Clopin planned to hang. Phoebus and Quasimodo were both gagged, and had ropes around their necks.
Layla's first thought was to get Esmeralda, but she wasn't sure if there was time. She bent down to Djali's level, and told him to fetch her instead.
As Clopin placed his hands on the lever that controlled the hangman's noose, Layla realised that they were out of time. She couldn't wait for Esmeralda, she would have to do it herself.

She took a deep breath, and took a step back from the crowd, so that she could be seen.

"We find you totally innocent. Which is the worst crime of all. So you're going to hang".

"Stop!" Yelled Layla at the top of her voice.
The crowd turned to face her, and an eerie silence filled the room. She began to sweat nervously as she realised how many people were staring at her.
"These men aren't spies. They're our friends" she explained, nervously making her way onto the stage, and untying the men.
"Why didn't they say so?" Questioned Clopin.
"We did say so" replied Quasi and Phoebus at the same time.

"Phoebus is the soldier who saved me and the miller's family from the fire. Without him I would've died" announced Layla.
"And Quasimodo helped me escape the cathedral" informed Esmeralda, as she stepped through the crowd, trying to reach the stage.
Once he was free, Phoebus stepped forward and addressed the people.
"We came to warn you. Frollo's coming! He says he knows where your hidout is, and he's attacking at dawn with a thousand men" he revealed.
Several people screamed, and began clutching their loved ones.
"Then we must waste no time. We must leave immideatly" replied Esmeralda.

The crowd began to split apart, as they started to dissassemble their home, and pack what little they owned.
"Thank you. It may not look like it, but we're greatful" insisted Esmeralda as she hugged Phoebus.
"Yes, thank you both" said Layla.
She then turned to Esmeralda, with a sad look in her eyes.
"Where will we live now?" She asked.
"We will find a new home, together. Some place where they are kinder to our race. Some place safe" Esmeralda answered.

"It's a shame, I liked it here... How did you manage to find us?" Asked Layla curiously.
"Esmeralda gave me a woven band, with the location on it. She told me to use it if I ever needed sanctuary" explained Quasi, as he removed the necklace and showed it to Layla.
"I made that years ago. I'm glad that it could be of some use. 'When you wear this woven band, you hold the city in your hand'. I haven't seen it in ages. I'm glad that you used it to find us here" replied Layla, running her fingers over the necklace.
"Yes. Don't thank me, I did nothing. If it weren't for Quasi, figuring out how to use that thing, I never would have found this place" admitted Phoebus, patting Quasi's back.

"Nor would I!".

Layla the gypsy girlWhere stories live. Discover now