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AUTHOR'S NOTE : I'm baaack! Sorry for taking this long. After I fully recover two days ago I quickly write as fast as I can. And don't worry after upload this chapter I will begin writing my next immediately.

I'll leave the next author's note if something happen to me in the future.

Anyway! Let go to Anderson's chapter recap!

P.S. 5k almost 6k words in one chapter....What I have done lol.

Anderson : A Fight have been broke out between Precures and Eternal over The Rose Pact, the key that can reach to Cure Rose Garden. In the other hand, A war has been started by Namba Industries to acquire the immense power inside Pandora Box.

Kamen Rider Build, Anderson, decides to risk his life to send Precures to Cure Rose Garden from Eternal, and protect Bottles from Namba industries who sent Kamen Rider Grease also whith his three lackeys--

Jared : Oi! You just show readers some spoilers! And what's with that long intro!?

Anderson : It has to be that long because I don't know where I can cut, so deal with it. And...It's YOU who show readers some spoilers....

Jared : HUH!? ME!? You can't fool me! You just said 'lackeys'--

Anderson : There! You just said that. And you just mimicked my voice and said in the first time.

Jared : Huh??? I did? But I just.....Uh...ARGH! Fine! Whatever!

Anderson : Hm! You brain dead. Easy to fool... Anyway! Let's begin Sequence Two Chapter Four!



"Kamen Rider.....Grease!...."

Anderson muttered and clenched his fist as he saw mysterious man transform into Kamen Rider in front of him. That means Namba Industries already on the move to start the war for acquire Fullbottles.

"So you come here to take my bottles...." Said Anderson with serious tone.

"Yeah, So give them to me. All of them." Grease demanded.

"Wait! What will you do with those bottles?" Asked Cure Dream.

"Like hell if I know. I just follow orders to take those bottles back."

"What if I declined?" Anderson asked.

"That's easy....I'm gonna take it from you by myself....The fire in my heart...Passion...I'll let my passion burn and crush you."

Precures and Kamen Rider tensed up as they heard at what Grease said. But have only one person don't afraid to him and ready to charge.

"Hm! So you will use force anyway....Fine by me! I'll take you down!"

"Wait Jared! If you continue fighting, you will--"

Said Cross-Z Charge, ignored Build's warning and dash towards Grease and punch at him rapidly. But Grease can blocked all of his attack.

"Kora! Kora!! Kora!!! (Hey! Hey!! Hey!!!) Is that all you've got!?"

"Not enough...."

Grease muttered while blocking the attack. Build can feel something was off while watch those two fighting. And a few seconds later he figured it out.

"!? JARED! Back away from him! His Hazard Level is raising!" Shouted Build.

"HAH!? What do you mean--"

(Precure X KR Build)​ Story Of Legend : Best Match in The Garden Of RosesWhere stories live. Discover now