Ch. 13: Back When I Was A Soldier

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It's been almost a year since one of the hardest missions I have ever faced, we had to deal with the five demons.
Liam, their leader, the demon of weapons Ava, the demon of chemicals/poison
Logan, the demon of fire
Ella, the demon of martial arts
James, the demon of destruction. Sounds intense but literally anyone that gets in their way they would face a punishment worst than death. They are the reason why I got sent to Quantico, they are the reason why I'm working with the FBI. We were so close in taking them down.

"Squad B and C let's roll out, now!" White ordered. We all grabbed guns and our equipment. We all piled onto the cargo plane and took off. "Jencen, Rose, and Green are with me, the rest of you stick with protocol," White yelled over the noise of the plane. We weren't far from their base, but the ride felt forever. "Jensen, Rose, Green, we jump in thirty, get the packs tighten now," White ordered. They lowered the door for us to jump. We jumped and about 100 feet away from the plane someone shot at it and the plane blew up, and all twenty five people on there died. A tear ran down my cheek but I knew that I have to keep my head in the game. We landed and headed for the cabin but little did we know they knew of our arrival. They waited for us, waited with guns, explosives, and poison, poison that would make our skin melt. "We need to go back, let's go!" Jensen yelled.

Ella went to go attack me, she maybe the demon of marital arts but I was a little faster and blocked her every attack. When she went to go punch me I grabbed her fist and twisted it so it was behind her and cuffed her. By the time she was cuffed the others ran into the forest, to far in that we couldn't get in there. "White, it's okay we got one," I said. He nodded and had a helicopter come and rescue us.

Let's just say that we put her in a hole that has 30 miles of concrete on top. So the last thing that we thought was her team getting inside of there. But that is what we thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2018 ⏰

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