Ch. 10

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Harley's P.O.V.

"Let's go Harley I don't really want to be late" Kara yelled from down the hall. Today I was starting my first day at the BAU, since I have gotten kidnapped Hotch gave me the option to work as a profiler. So today was a trial run.

"Okay, okay I'm coming" I yelled.

I ran down the hall from my room, "Mel let's go" Kara yelled.

Kara's POV

Mel ran from her room and to the door, "so both of my aunts are agents" she said with a questioning tone in her voice.

"Well Mel I have been an agent longer than Kara has" Harley said jokingly.

"Shut up. Now let's go. Hotch wants to speak to us when we get there" I said.

We got into my truck. Dropped Mel off at her school and drove to work. We got up and everyone was doing their own thing. Talking, laughing. Harley looked around, "Kara who is that" she said pointing to Reid.

"Dr. Spencer Reid our own genius" Garcia said sneaking up behind us. "Penelope Garcia, nice to finally meet you Harley" Garcia said politely.

Soon the whole team was greeting her and I stood there thanking God I'm not the 'new kid' anymore. Hotch came out of his office, "please don't tell me we have a case" Prentiss said.

"Yeah we do, but before we meet can I speak with Waters and Rose for a minute" he said. We both walked up to his office, me leading and her close behind me. "Rose I want you next to Waters at all times, and Waters I take it that your a profiler correct" he said closing the door behind us.

"Yes sir" Harley said.

"Okay, Rose are you okay with showing her around for this case" he asked.

"Okay, but Hotch, I wanted to ask, why me, why not somebody that has been a member longer than I have" I asked.

"Because you know Waters, and I trust you. Now let's go we have a long flight ahead of us" he said.

"Where are we going" Waters asked.

"California" he said opening the door.

"Again" I asked.

"Yeah" we walked into the conference room, "Garcia let's get started" Hotch said sitting down in his usual seat. I stayed standing knowing it wouldn't take long, Harley sat down in my normal seat.

"Okay we are headed back to California, Los Angeles has three prostitutes people on their hands, none have been identified, all of the bodies have been burned one way or another" Garcia said.

"First a fire burn then a chemical burn" Morgan pointed out.

"Five killings and we are getting called in now, why not before" I asked.

"Well we didn't really get called in, LA PD isn't very cooperative when someone in their city of angels is killing people" Garcia said.

"Okay, wheels up in thirty" Hotch ordered.

We all got up and went out the door, "Rose" I heard from behind me, I turned around and saw that Garcia called me.


"When you all get back JJ and Prentiss are wondering if you wanted to go out for drinks with us" she asked.

"Yeah sounds like fun" I replied.

"Can Waters come" JJ asked walking behind us.

"I don't know let me ask" I said looking around for her. I couldn't see her or Hotch, "umm" I mumbled. I walked over to my desk and saw that they were talking in his office. I sat down in my chair and did some paperwork from the last case. 

"Kara you ready" Harley said behind me.

"Yeah, let's go" I grabbed my go bag and we headed to the airport.

We got onto the jet and Hotch and Rossi where already there, "Hey girls" Rossi said which made Hotch turn around.

"You guys are ten minutes early" Hotch said looking back at the paperwork.

"Yeah and when did you guys get here" I asked sarcastically.

"Uh fair point Rose fair point" Rossi said looking at Hotch then back at his file.

Harley and I sat on the couch, I opened up my file and looked at it. In the next 20 minutes the rest of the team started to gather onto the jet.

We were about five minutes out, "Lets review the case" Hotch said grabbing everyone's attention.

We all sat around him and Rossi, "Okay so these girls are high risk victims, standing on the streets all night, but he dumped the bodies almost daylight" Morgan said.

"So what is he doing with them all night" I asked.

Garcia patched in "Hey crime fighters, another victim has been found, no ID yet, but this one is different, no fire or bleach this one is burned with sulfuric acid"

"Okay, when we land JJ and Reid go to the ME, Rose and Waters go to the latest crime scene, and the rest of us will go to the local PD to go get set up" Hotch ordered.

When we landed, Waters and I got into the SUV and drove to the latest crime scene, which was in a park. "You must be the FBI" the detective said.

"Hi I'm Agent Rose and this is Agent Waters" I said shaking his hand.

"Okay so this would make it victim number four, this guy doesn't have a cooling off period" Waters said.

"Agents look" said one of the uniformed police officers.

We walked over there and we found another body. "So that makes victim number five" Waters said.

I pulled out my phone and called Hotch. "Hotchner"

"Hey Hotch we found another body hidden in a bush a couple of yards away"

"Okay, head back to the PD"

"Okay on our way" I hung up. I walked over to Waters, "Hotch wants us back at the PD"

We got to the PD and walked in "I think we are looking at a spree killer" I said.

"That's what we discussing" Rossi said.

After a little bit of brainstorming. Garcia called Morgan, "what you got Mama"

"More than you can handle sugar daddy"

"Garcia" Hotch said with a stern tone in his voice.

"Sorry sir, so our first victim her name is Chole Montoya, she is a local prostitute, and she was just reported missing two hours ago by her mom when she didn't come pick up her daughter tonight" Garcia said.

"Okay Garcia hit us back when you have something" Rossi said.

"Let's just hope that we can identify all these victims and quickly" JJ said.

"You guys go get some sleep we will start fresh tomorrow" Hotch ordered. We all got up and walked out to the SUVs and I sat in the back seat with Rossi and Hotch in the front, Harley is stuck with me in the back while Reid, JJ, Morgan, and Prentiss are in the other SUV. We got to the hotel and I took a nice shower and while I was about to climb into bed I heard a knock at my door. I took my gun and looked into the peep hole and saw Harley on the other side.

I opened the door, "yes"

"Well about this case..."

"Harley stop, Hotch told us to get some rest and I suggest you do that. You look like shit"

"You guys actually sleep"

"On cases like these yes. But there are some cases that require us to stay up that's when we know it's bad. So Harley I suggest you put that file down and go to sleep"

"Okay Kara" she walked back to her room and shut the door.

"Damn" I mumbled then laid down and fell asleep.

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