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"Going off from Harley's help we might need to fix the profile" Hotch said. "Garcia have you found anything on their computers" Hotch asked.

"No, it's like someone whipped their computers the day that they where kidnapped" she said.

"What do you mean baby girl" Morgan asked.

"It's like they didn't go on their computers, phones, you name it. Their google history from they where kidnapped" she said.

"So this unsub knows how to cover up his tracks" Rossi said.

"Yeah but how do we compete with that, this guy is good with computers" Garcia said.

"And disappearing" JJ said. 

"So what are we dealing with, Houdini" I said sarcastically. 

"It sure seems like it from this angle" Prentiss said agreeing with me.

"Wait, so this guy likes to kidnap teenage girls that come from a perfect well lived families, with perfectly symmetrical faces. It really doesn't add up" Morgan said.

"Maybe we aren't just looking for a male, maybe we are looking for a couple" I said.

"What do you mean" Hotch asked.

"Well the kidnapping fits a male profile, but the perfect facial symmetry fits a female profile. Maybe it's a couple who cannot have children" I said.

"Yeah, that would make since, givin' that we haven't seen any bodies yet, so they are taking care of them and not harming them in any way" Rossi said.

"Hey Garcia try and find any failed births in two or three months from now" I said.

"I got three couples" she said.

"Try to see if they have gone off the deep rail, meaning stopped going to work, getting into alcohol or even drugs" I said.

"Okay well we got one couple's name, meet Jessica and Bryan Morsh, their son was born but died two minutes after birth. Bryan going from his credit card it looks like he is buy tremendous amounts of alcohol" Garcia said.

"Garcia give us the address" Hotch said.

"Be careful" she said.

In a short time we arrived to the Morsh's residents. "Rossi, Reid and JJ take the back Morgan, Prentiss, and Rose you are with me" Hotch said.

We arrived to the font door and Morgan kicked it in letting us all in. Mrs. Morsh was on the couch holding Chole's hand. And Mr. Morsh holding a knife to Rylie's neck. "Bryan put down the knife" Hotch yelled.

"She's my daughter" Mr. Morsh said.

"No, he is someone else's daughter, your daughter died a year ago, and if you kill this little girl you're going to hurt her dad" I said

"No, no, no" he said freaking out.

"Please Bryan put the knife down and come with us" Morgan said. Jessica let Chloe go and Chloe ran over to me, I holstered my gun and hugged her.

"Now it's your turn, let Rylie go" Morgan said. Bryan dropped the knife and Rylie ran to me also. Morgan went over to Bryan and cuffed him while Hotch and I took the two girls outside to their parents. As Morgan and Rossi walked the both of them to the cars the parents gave Mr. and Mrs. Morsh dirty looks.

The way back to the office was silent, Hotch, Rossi, and I in one car while the rest of them were in the other. "Rose is there something on your mind" Rossi asked.

"No everything is fine" I said a little unsure. I'm worried about White and the team working on finding him. It was only a matter of time until he would find me and when he does something will happen.

"Rose are you sure, you seem like something is bothering you" Rossi asked.

"Yeah, it's just that my parents want me to take me in my seven year old niece, seems like my brother is having a hard time with her, keeping her in school and thinks like that" I said looking out the window.

"I know when I get home from a case my son is the best thing to be around after the horror I see when I'm out on a case" Hotch said.

"I'll keep that in mind" I said.

We got back to the office, "so do we all want to go out for that drink now" Morgan said.

"Yeah if Rossi's buying" Prentiss said.

"Okay if that is the case then we should get dinner" Hotch said.

"I'm down" JJ said.

"What about you Rose" Garcia said.

"Yeah, I'm starving" I said.

"Okay so let me get this right, Rossi is buying right" Prentiss asked.

"Why doesn't Rose buy" he asked jokingly.

"Well if I'm buying I guess we are all getting dollar menu at Mcdonald's" I said jokingly.

"Well meet you guys at Mcdonald's" JJ said.

"Okay I guess I am buying" Rossi said as we all walking out of the doors to the BAU.

"Alright looks like I'm not going broke tonight" I said jokingly.

Time Skip to the restaurant

Everyone in the team is so friendly and knows everyone and is open. I know that I have always kept to myself but they have simply broken. During dinner I got a phone call from a blocked number. "Excuse me" I said getting up from the table. "This is agent Rose" I said answering the phone.

"So official, Kara. I know who you really are and what team you are in. Ms. FBI. How would you feel if I killed Agent Hotchner the BAU unit chief, or Penelope Garcia the technical analyst. Which one first agent Rose" he said.

"I will find you. And when I do you are going to regret escaping prison" I said turning my back from the table that my team was sitting at.

"I will break you Kara" he said.

"You go ahead and try" I said sternly.

He hung up. I couldn't do anything until White gets back to me. I sat down back at the table. "Who was that" Morgan asked.

"My brother, Hotch thank you for the advice, I think I will take my niece in" I said.

"I'm glad you've thought it through" he said.

After dinner I went home and I was still off edge.

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