Ch.4 What the Hell Harley

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"Hey, Hey Ms. FBI put the gun down now" she said waving her arms up and down.

"Harley what the hell" I said putting my gun on the table right next to the door.

"Hey I'm just here because I needed a place to crash until I get me an apartment" she said.

"First of all how the hell did you get in here in the first place" I asked.

"Well see I know where you keep the spare key. Remember back in Utah I used to live with you" she said

A little background Information on Harley Waters 

Harley and Kara grew up next door from each other. Her childhood wasn't all too pleasant, to the fact that her dad was a drunk that abused her and her mother. And also that her brother drowned in the lake that was up the street from her home. And ever since that her mom would tell Harley that she was a mistake and should've never been born. 

A dreadful December night her parents were on their way from a dinner with a couple of friends, they were on their way home and they lost control of their car and it slipped off the road into a river. Killing them.

Before the state was about to take her my parents adopted and called her their own. Ever since then she has been my sister and she has always felt the same way. She had always had the option to change her name but she decided that Harley Waters was always better. 

When my parents took her in she never really trusted them because of her past. It has always been hard to adapt from one family to another. Especially going from an abusive family to one that has been always nice to her. And when I left for West Point she hadn't been the same. When I got home for a week before I left for Iraq she just spent two hours with me and that's it.

Back to real time

"So let me get this right" I said going to my couch to set down my bag, "you broke into my apartment and now you are asking me to move in" I said a little annoyed.

"Oh okay you do get it, I was worried that you wouldn't get it" she said sarcastically.

"Are you serious, there is no way in hell that you are moving in especially after breaking into my apartment" I said.

She looked at me with sad eyes. "You already moved in didn't you" I asked giving up.

"Yeah looks like you really know me" she said.

"Ugh Harley Waters I hate you" I said.

"Aww love you too Kara Rose" she said running into one of the spare rooms.

 Time skip

"Hey Harley can we talk about you moving in entirely" I asked sitting down on the couch

"Sure" she said sitting down on the couch right next to me.

"With my new job, I am going to be gone a lot. I need you to watch and keep clean the apartment. Also I want you to find a job quickly so you can help pay rent" I said.

"Okay and about that job thing I have an interview tomorrow, for a crime magazine" she said.

"So that's what you want to do huh journalism, never saw that coming" I said sarcastically.

"Everyone saw that FBI and military thing going for you though, always the perfect one" she said.

"Hey I am far from perfect" she said.

"Bull shit, you had your life figured out by the age of 14, and then there was me who hadn't figured out what I wanted to do until now" she said.

"Okay maybe I am 'perfect' but you are like an alien" I said.

"You have to stop watching Supergirl" she said with a half laugh in her voice.

"Don't tell me how to live my life" I said and got up to go make the two of us dinner.

"What you makin" she asked walking over to the kitchen.

"Ramen" I said putting pot onto the counter.

"Yum" she said.

After we where done eating I got into the shower and helped Harley unpack the little things. "Hey Kara, have you heard about your niece and brother" she mentioned.

"Yeah, my mom is wondering if I wanted to take her in but I don't know what Abby will think about it"

"Who the fuck cares what that bitch thinks, but if you ask me I think it might be a good idea to take her in"

"I'll think about it, it's a good possibility I might take Melissa in"

"Just sleep on it, if you aren't ready don't do it yet but if anything gets worst just know that she will always have her favorite aunt"

"Aunts, you know that you are basically her aunt too, not by blood"

"Thanks Kara"

"Wow look at the time it's almost one I should get to bed I have to go to work in the morning" I got up, "good night Harley" I said walking out of her room.

"Good night roomie" she said with a sarcastic tone in her voice.

I walked to the end of hall where the master bedroom, laid down on my bed and set my alarm and fell asleep.

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