Ch. 12: A Special Type of Case

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Morgan and I went to go check out the new body that was found. The body wasn't like any of the others. The unsub burned different sections of this victim different ways. "Rose do you see what I'm seeing?" Morgan asked looking at the body in shock.

"Yeah, who the hell would do something like this?" I asked with anger in my voice. 

"This person is sick." one of the forensic scientists said. I turned around and walked away. 

"Rose are you okay?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." 

"Well we better go, and alert the team that he is getting more bolder." Morgan said opening the door for we to get into the SUV.

The whole way to the police station was silence, I didn't know what to say, or do. We both walked into the conference room. "So how was it?" Rossi asked.

"This unsub is getting bolder, he burned this unsub seven different ways in different places on the victims body." I sat down and flipped through my file. "There is nothing to put in the profile, he gets more and more bolder each time he kills." I said.

A couple of hours and nothing, well we did get the last victim's name. She had the same background as the others, a prostitute, but before then she was into alcohol but nothing to help us with our case.

"Maybe we need to go back to victimolgy." Morgan suggested.

"Maybe there was something we missed." Rossi said backing up Morgan.

"Okay, Rose and Waters I want you to go revisit and live in these girls' shoes before they died." Hotch ordered.

I looked at Harley and we both went out of room and to the last victim's home, a run down apartment in a really bad Neighborhood. "Harley go in there and let's review it." I ordered. Harley walked into the apartment.

"Okay, I had just gotten home from a long day, I take off my heels and walk into my room to get a change of clothes." Harley walked through the last victim's last night.

"And that is where he waits for you, he grabs you from behind but you try to hit him with your shoes."

"Meaning I know some self defence tactics, so I'm smart and try to run away when he hit the ground, I ran to the front door, he caught up with me and hit me, knocking me out."

"So there was a struggle, maybe on this unsub's face is a scratch or a bruise from the heel." I said.

"Well the other victims were taken off the streets not by there homes, what made the unsub to come to her house and do this?" Harley asked.

"Maybe she said no to him, and it pissed him off, there is more rage with the victim than ever before."

"That's why she was burned differently, she said no and it made him mad."

"I think it's time to interview the other women, while the others deliver the profile." I said. I took out my phone and called Hotch. It was weird, he didn't pick up. "What the hell?"


"Hotch didn't pick up?" Harley and I ran to the SUV and drove, fairly fast to the Police Station.

*After Rose and Waters left. No one's P.O.V. at the Police Station*

Rose and Waters walked out of the Police Station the team sat down and worked on the profile. A few moment later we heard gun shot coming from the entrance. "What is going on?" Prentiss asked. The team walked walked out of the conference room and saw a guy standing there with a tank of gasoline next to his feet and a box of matches one hand and a picture of a red headed girl in the other.

"I... it was" he stuttered. He kicked over the tank of gasoline.

"Hey hey, listen to me, you do not want to do this." Morgan tried to talk the unsub down. Thats when Hotch's phone went off and scared the unsub.

"Wh... what that." He stuttered yet again. He took a match out.

"Please put it down." Morgan said.

"I want to be with my love, I... did th...s f... for her." He said.

"Who is that?" Hotch asked.

"Claire Bell, my f... fiance, a fire killed her like i... it will kill m... me and all of us i... inside!" He yelled.

"Please put the match box down." Hotch said putting his gun back into his holster.

"N... no, I... I cann.... not." He stuttered once again.

*Kara's P.O.V.*
Harley and I weren't far. "Harley stay out here." I ordered.

"No I'm coming in." She argued.

"Harley stay!" I yelled.

I pulled my gun out and quietly walked into the Police Station, that smell it was familiar, gasoline. He was planning on setting the place on fire and everyone inside of it. This guy had a unlit match in his hand. Hotch and I made eye contact which got his attention and made the unsub turn around and look at me. He pulled out a gun and shot me in the shoulder. "Rose!" Morgan yelled. Three gun shots followed his voice as I hit the floor.

"Rose, are you alright?" Morgan asked. He noticed that I wasn't bleeding.

"Did you really think I would come in naked?" I asked.

"So this is why you told me to stay outside. You idiot." Harley said.

"What's next, are you going to say wait until my father here's about this." I sarcastically said.

"Well you've got the red hair, you must be a Weasley." Harley joked.

"Can you two stop quoting Harry Potter and be serious for a second." Hotch ordered.

"Hotchner has gone to the dogs." I joked again.

"The medic is on the way." Harley said.

"Na, I don't need a hospital, I'm fine." I stood up.

"Rose, you need to get taped up." Hotch said sternly.

"No I don't." I argued.

"Yeah Hotch, if she is quoting Harry Potter she's fine." JJ laughed.


I was sitting across from Hotch reading a book. "What are you reading?" Hotch asked out of the blue.

"Harry Potter, I love the series, a little too much." I said.

We were almost home when my phone rang. "Rose." I answered.

"Three down four more to go." The voice said.

"Excuse me?"

"Three down four more to go." The voice repeated.

"Who is this?" The line cut.

I looked at Hotch. "What was that?" He asked.

"I don't know?" I looked out the window of the jet as we flew over the state's wondering what the hell that call was.

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