Ch. 3 My First Unsub?

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It was a peaceful morning. I got up earlier than usual. I know that I'm still not used to waking up in a regular room and not having planes and helicopters flying around as I sleep. I got my phone and played on it for a little bit. Then I finally convinced myself to get ready. I got dressed and sat down at the little table and drank some water. I heard a knock at the door, I walked over and opened it at it was JJ, "I thought you might want some coffee, I don't know your usual so I just got a regular black coffee" she said handing me a cup.

"Thank you, that's perfect" I said.

"Hotch wants us to meet up at the cars in 5" she said

"Okay" I said.

"See you down there" she said then walked off.

I shut the door and got the rest of the way ready. I headed down the stairs being the first one. I pulled out my phone and scrolled though Instagram and drinking my coffee. "Hey newbie" Morgan said. I looked up from my phone and saw that Prenitss, JJ, and Reid was with Morgan.

"Hey, you know my name is Kara Rose right" I said.

"Yeah but newbie fits your better" he said.

"But the thing is she could always kick your ass" Rossi said coming up with Hotch.

"Well lets all drive to the station" as Hotch said that his phone rang. "Hotchner" he said then walked off.

I pulled out my phone again and started scrolling through Instagram again waiting for Hotch to come back. It seems like everyone in the team has their own buddy and then there was I all alone and it's not like it is a newer thing, I have always been alone since I went to college and went to Iraq.

Hotch came back, "hey you guys we have another victim on our hands, Morgan and Rose go and visit the latest crime scene, Garcia is putting the location in your GPS" he said.

"Hey newbie I'm driving" Morgan said.

"Okay" I said walking to the passenger seat in the SUV.

The whole way there he was trying to make conversation but he really wasn't good at it. "So newbie where did you do your tours at" he asked.


"Okay how long where you there"

"3 in a half years"

"Wow that's a long time"


The rest of the time we just both sat in awkward silence. It really wasn't my style to work along side many people, I mean in Iraq I worked with the same people for the 3 years I was there but we didn't really talk other than the missions we went on that was all.

"You seem off edge is something going on" he asked.

"No, I'm just trying to adjust being in the states that's all" I said looking out the window.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you do in Iraq anyway" he asked.

"I was in the field most of the time. Going on the missions that I was assigned to" I said.

As we were driving down the road a guy came and popped out from the road in front of us. "Morgan" I yelled. Morgan tried to swerve out of the way but lost control of the car and ran into a tree off off to the side of the road.

"Rose are you alright" Morgan asked.

"Yeah what about you" I asked.

"Could have been better" he said getting out of the car.

I got out of the car and pulled my side arm out of the holster and put it up. "FBI put your hands up" Morgan yelled.

The guy put his hands up and there was blood all over his hands. In his black jacket he had a kitchen knife sticking out of his pocket.

"Morgan his pocket" I whispered.

3rd POV at the local PD

"Has anyone heard from Morgan and Rose" Hotch asked the rest of the team. Everyone shook their heads. Hotch pulled out his phone and dialed Garcia.

"Hey Garcia can you track down the SUV that Rose and Morgan took to the latest vic's house" he said.

"Yes sir" the sounds of typing filled her office until it stopped. "Oh that's not good. Sir the GPS has them going down Route 16 and then it just stops" she said with a little fear in her voice.

Hotch hung up and the whole team followed him out to the SUVs.

Kara's POV

"I did it, I killed all those women" the man said.

"Okay, what's you name" Morgan said.

"I will only tell you if I could have the name of your beautiful partner" he said creepily.

"That's not..." Morgan started to say.

"My name is Kara... Kara Rose" I said.

"Kara that's really pretty. A pretty name for a pretty face. Well a deal is a deal my name is Ben Dreyar" he said.

He put his hands down and reached into his pocket for the knife and as he was about to come at me, Morgan pulled the trigger on his shooting him in the head, instant death.

I put my gun back into my holster. Morgan ran over to me, "are you okay Rose" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. My head hurts but I will live" I said.

From a distance we saw a black SUV heading to us with it's lights flashing blue and red. As they pulled up, they all got out of the cars and ran to us. "Are you guys okay" Prentiss asked.

"Yeah Rose and I are fine" he said.

"Derek Morgan are you warming up to me" I said sarcastically.

"And you have a sense of humor" he said, everyone laughed, well except for Hotch and well... duh.

After being checked out from the medics we drove to the airport and flew home.

I drove to my place once we landed. I walked up to my apartment and I was about to unlock my door I heard a crash in it, and then when I was about to turn my key the door was unlocked. I pulled my gun out of my holster and opened the door. To my surprise it was my childhood best friend Harley Waters.

Smile    Hotchner X OCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora