part 7

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Jimin stirred in his sleep, faintly hearing his name.

"Jimin!" Rang out again, fully waking him up this time. He sat up on his bed, rubbing his eyes.

He looked around the dark room, realizing whoever was calling him was downstairs.

He sighed, laying back down. He couldn't be bothered with anyone that would wake him up and expect to engage in conversation so early. It just wasn't fair, so he closed his eyes again, snuggling closer to a very heavy sleeper known as Min Yoongi.

Jimin shoved Yoongi's arm out of the way so that he could be pressed right against his chest, feeling him breathing. It made him feel safe.

"Jimin, I swear if you don't wake up-"

Hoseok stood right outside of Jimin's door. This time his eyes flew open and he sat up, quickly running over to lock his door, which didn't help his situation.

"Jimin? What the hell, let me in."

"I'm ch-changing right now." Jimin stuttered, shaking Yoongi awake.

Jimin wanted to cry. He didn't want anything to surface right now, especially since he kind of came on to Hobi last night, and then had sex with Yoongi.

It was kind of his fault, but he still felt bad.

"I don't care Jimin, I've seen you change for the past 6 years now. and I've seen you naked like, a million times." Hobi tried opening the door, despite it still being locked.

"No, Hobi, you don't understand. I-I just need to be alone for a little bit okay."

Finally, Jimin was able to wake Yoongi up, who just gave him a sour expression, showing his disinterest in being woken so early.

"Shh, Hobi is outside, and he's trying to come in. You have to hide." Jimin whispered.

"Jiminie? What headspace are you in right now?" Hobi asked a little quieter than before, but loud enough to hear.

His eyes widened and he turned to Yoongi, shoving the older inside of his closet and shutting the door.

"Hoseok go away!" Jimin pleaded. He really hoped Yoongi was too tired to pay attention, and he scrambled to find some clean sweats and a hoodie to throw on.

Once he was comfortable, he unlocked the door, letting Hobi inside for them to sit on his bed.

"Jimin, why did you have to change out of your pajamas and put on sweats?"

Jimin just shrugged, sitting on his bed.

"What do you want?"

"I need to talk to you, now that you're big again."

Jimin whined, hoping Yoongi couldn't hear them from the closet.

It's not that he didn't want Yoongi to know. He didn't mind. He was just scared. He was tired of hiding it any longer, tired of Hoseok being the only one to know who he truly is. The six of them, they're his best friends. They should get to know the real Jimin, both sides of him. But it had to come from him, directly, and he had to wait until they were all home.

"Listen, I was going to tell you this last night, but I couldn't hurt you then." Hobi sighed.

"Oh, but you can now?" Jimin chuckled, playfully hitting at Hosoek's shoulder

"Hush for a second. It's just that, since we aren't, well together anymore, you can't come to me as your caregiver anymore. It's too hard to look at you, especially at your cutest, and know that I can't have you anymore. It's going to be hard for you, too, because you'll have to suppress it more often, or just wait it out-but you'll have to do it alone. I'm sorry, Jimin, I just can't do it."

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