3x04 - Disturbing Behavior

Start from the beginning

Stella enters. Gloria is sitting at a table, her hands floating above a large tome on a table filled with candles. Colette and Richard are at the bar.

"You left us" Richard tells her.

"Yeah, sorry. Retail therapy was making my head explode" Stella thinks up an excuse.

"Tell me about it" Colette comments.

Stella looks at Gloria "What's she doing?"

"She's failing" Colette comments.

"It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on" Gloria glares at Colette.

"So use me. I only wore it for a thousand years" Richard says.

"See? Now this one offers a solution" Richard sits on the table "All right, give me your hand, sweetheart" Richard gives her his hand.

"She's, uh, she's looking for the necklace, huh?" Stella asks, nervous.


Gilbert Residence

Eliot, Carlisle and Benny are in the kitchen. "The problem with my dad's normal side of the family is normal made for a really boring summer" Benny complains.

"After the last few days, I would kill for a normal family" Carlisle helps Eliot decant the chili in a casserole. "Since when did you learn how to cook?"

"Demi helped a little" Eliot admits.

"Demi's helping you cook now?" Benny asks.

"Both of you stop judging. She's just trying to be a good...ow!"

"Ahh! Did I splash you?" Carlisle asks, worried.

"No, no, my necklace" Eliot pulls the pendant of the necklace off his skin. His skin has a burn mark where the pendant touched his skin.


Gloria's Bar

Gloria still has Richard's hand "I can sense something"

Stella seems a bit worried.


"It burned me" Eliot tells them. He removes the necklace and holds it by the chain.

"Maybe it's a sign you shouldn't be wearing it" Carlisle says.

"Carlisle..." Benny warns him.

"What, I'm just saying. If you're going to be 'cooking' without Stella"

"Let me see it" Eliot holds it out while Benny looks at the pendant.


Gloria casts a spell.


Benny looks at the necklace and touches it but there's a zap and sparks fly out of it. Eliot drops it. Benny and Eliot look at each other. Eliot seems shocked.


Gloria drops Richard's hand and looks at Colette and Stella "I found it"

"So where is it?" Richard asks.

"It doesn't work like that, doll. I get images. There's a boy with his friends..."

"Yes, a dead boy with dead friends, if I don't get my necklace back"

"Well, I'll have to dive back in to get the details"

"So dive" Colette tells her.

"I need more time" Colette walks over and leans on the table Gloria is seated at "And space. You're harshing my ju-ju"

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