》Chapter Seventy-Seven

Start from the beginning

I wonder what would think of me now. Would he still be proud?

"You had no right to decide for me what I was or was not ready to listen. Now, excuse me." I grab the book and leave the room overloaded with information.

Harry's pov.

I kneel down and pet Roy on the head. It's been ages. Karen comes to my side, smiling at him sweetly.

"Do you even recognize him?" I inquire and she nods.

"Of course. Rochester, the dog you gifted me." It looks like a lifetime ago; 

"Cole?" I call and he turns to look at me puzzled, clearly not expecting me to ask for him. "I need you to take me to a place." He doesn't wonder, grabs the keys and follows me.

"You shouldn't'." He just state starting the car.

" I don't know what you're talking about." I play dumb gaining a very provocative glare from him.

"I saw your face in that room, Harry. You just shouldn't, it's the only thing I'm saying."

"You can't stop me." I point out and he agrees with me.

We stay quiet for a moment and I ask him, without even thinking, something that has been bothering me.

"What happened in that room really?" A shadows lands over his face and the playful grin disappears leaving space to a very concerned face.

"You don't want to know this."

"I do. I mean, I don't but I need to." Because if there's something I can do to do to make Jade feel more comfortable with me, I need to. Plus, a morbid part of me wants to know what happened in details to punish myself for not being there to stop it.

"Short or long story?"

"Long. I'm aware of the short one already."

"Alright." He licks his lips watching from the rear mirror for a moment before fixing his eyes on the road again. "We came back from the party, both deadly tired and I went to take a shower before bed. Jade was so worn out she went straight to bed. I got inside the bathroom and turned the faucet on but I forgot my towel so I went to grab one. The second I turned the water off; I knew something was wrong so I went checking if everything was fine in Jade's room and I heard a sob, just one, barely there and then a man's voice who wasn't supposed to be there. My father's." He stops and I urge him to go on.

"You don't- "

" I want to. Please." Even though he's right, I'm already feeling sick but I feel the need to listen till the end.

"He was asking her to beg for it." He gulps down and for a moment, as we stop to a red light, his eyes stay closed as if he is trying to erase the whole scene from his mind. "I remember trying to open the door but it was shut so I tried to break through it. He was keeping talking to her and I was angry because I couldn't stop it. I used that rage to bust through the door. I'll never forget what I saw till the day I die, I swear. He was behind her, half naked with his big hands pushing her harmless body against his. At first he was keeping a palm over her head, suffocating her, then he just grabbed her harshly by the thighs to please him. You should have seen his face, Harry. He looked like he was having the time of his life, it was monstrous. Jade was lifeless, she seemed dead to me. I was like paralysed. I felt so much hatred for that man and I let it out with the chair that I smashed against his skull praying it would crack it. He fell to the ground and I made my way to Jade.  It was for a pure causality that I heard her and I don't know if I'm glad or mad that I found her." When eventually he looks at me, I'm out of myself, fuming.


He stops at my destination; the imagines keep playing in my mind like a horror show. I unbuckle myself and get off.

" Harry!" Cole calls for me but my feet don't stop. I hit the doorbell and wait. As the door opens, the only thing I need to bring into focus is the blond hair and the blue eyes. He doesn't get to smile at me, I throw a punch to his chin making him hitting the doorframe, he comes back in my range so I give him another blow, this time into his stomach, pulling at his hair as I drag him down the stairs. He stumbles, holding to my arm so that he can sustain himself in some sort of way.

"Not so brave now, Niall?" I spit pushing him against his cold concrete and kicking him with all the strength that I have. I reach for his feet, ready to take him and leave him in the middle of the road waiting for some car to pass on his useless body.

"I didn't do anything!" He defends himself, blood spilling from every inch of his face.

"Exactly Niall! And as much as I'd like to make somebody else pay for it you're all I have at the moment. JUST LIKE JADE at that party!" I start to strip him down of his clothes, Cole eyes me from the car not daring to come closer. 

"You were my best friend; you knew I cared for Jade." He sobs, suffocating on his own saliva nevertheless I can't seem to find relief. Perhaps because deep down I know I'll never be able to give her back that part they took away from her. It's gone forever and as much as it burns heavily on my heart, I can't relieve neither myself nor Jade from this burden.

So I let him go. I leave him naked and barely alive at the corner of the street like the worm he is, rolling on his excuse of a body. I wanted so bad for him to feel at least a tiny bit of what Jade felt. But you can't force feelings on a corpse.

I get into Cole's car and gesture him to go ahead and taking us home.

"I can't believe you did that." He says halfway the road back, I'm so dizzy and saturated with emotions I feel I need to let it all out.

" Stop the car." The vehicle pulls up, I open my door and just throw up, releasing my adrenaline gag after gag.

Jade's pov.

I'm currently halfway through my father's book when I hear a terrible fuss coming from downstairs. I don't pay it much attention until the noises move upstairs and the door of my room opens, showing a very messy Harry. His knuckles are split and sore, he has stained blood over his shirt and pants.

"What happened?" I asked, so worried I jump from my bed to check if he's okay. My heart racing in panic.

"I did something I probably shouldn't have done." I look at him confused and check if he has some bad injury. He doesn't look beaten up, probably that is not even his blood which should freak me out, instead, I just take out a breath of relief and hurry to my bathroom to grab a clean towel.

"What?" I tenderly ask passing the cloth over his hurt hands with all the care I can manage to find with my shaking fingers.

" I went to Niall's house." The rest is easy to guess, but still I'm bewildered that he pushed himself to do such a thing. Looking into his emearld eyes right now, pushes me to do a thing i'd never thought i would do, ever.

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