A Really Terrible Idea

Start from the beginning

Theo wakes up to the sound of his cell phone ringing. He can count on two hands the number of people that have his number and he actually talks to so he picks it up without looking at the caller I.D.
He's immediately more awake when Liam's voice comes small through the speaker.
"I figured it's harder to fight if we're not actually face to face."
Liam sounds sheepish and Theo can't stop the soft smile from spreading across his face. It's stupid. And nothing good will come of it.
"We'll find a way."
Liam laughs and Theo feels his heart speed up. If any of the pack were here they'd laugh at him.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you yesterday."
Liam says seriously after a moment.
Theo blinks in surprise.
There's a noise like Liam is shifting around in blankets and Theo abruptly can't deal.
"I want you to know I'm okay with anything we need to do. I'll be the best fake boyfriend ever." He says hurriedly.
Liam doesn't seem to be in a rush.
"You sure?"
"Are you okay?" There's a frown in Liam's voice and Theo can picture the exact expression on his face way too clearly.
"Totally. When do we leave." He deflects.
Liam hums but allows himself to be sidetracked.
"This afternoon?"
"Liam!" Theo exclaims.
"Sorry! I meant to tell you yesterday!"
Theo hangs up while Liam is in the middle of apologizing.
He needs to pack.

When Liam shows up at his dorm room later that day he's wearing a sheepish smile and holding a small box.
Theo opens the door warily.
"What's that?"
Liam's ears get a touch red. He blushes very easily Theo has noticed.
"It's a necklace." Liam replies quietly.
Theo frowns.
"For what?"
"For you." Liam grumbles, shoving it at Theo with perhaps a bit more force than necessary.
"I thought it would help a bit."
Theo frowns at Liam's defensive behaviour but takes the box carefully.
When he opens it he nearly drops it. The pendant is in the shape of a crescent moon, made of steel and carved with a delicate rose in the middle. The whole thing is rather large and chunky and when he slings it over his head it sits heavily over his breastbone.
"How did you know about the roses?" Theo asks.
"You talk in your sleep sometimes. Whenever you talk about your mother, you always mention roses." Liam answers softly.
"I don't know what to say. I didn't get you anything."
Liam smiles.
"I didn't expect you to. But my mom would expect me to have gotten you something. So..."
Theo feels a brief stab of sadness that Liam only got it for him because of their ruse, but he can't really feel hurt for long because the design shows that Liam cares at least a little bit.
"Thank you."
Liam looks down.
"Are you ready to go?" He asks instead of answering Theo.
Theo nods and they head out the door.

It's only a two hour drive back to Beacon Hills, but it feels like longer.
The car is silent except for the sound of Liam's music playing quietly.
Theo stares blankly ahead for about half an hour before he finally breaks.
"We never did talk about our story." He says.
Liam hums, not taking his eyes off the road.
"When did we start dating?" Theo presses.
"Um, my mom will be expecting a semi serious-relationship if I'm telling her about it. I haven't brought anyone home since Hayden." Liam mumbles, never meeting Theo's eyes.
Theo is surprised, but doesn't say anything. He knows that Liam has had a few relationships since then, and it's out of character that his parents didn't meet any of them. Even if the only reason is that Liam can't keep a secret from the people he loves to save his life.
"So a couple months at least?"
"Sometime last summer maybe."
"We barely saw each other this summer?"
"That's what they think." Liam counters, finally looking at Theo.
"It'll never work."
"You're a good lier."
Theo concedes that point.
"So August?"
"What was our first date?"
Liam snorts.
"We've known each other for three years. Would we have gone on a first date?"
"We're not exactly friends." Theo reminds him.
Liam is silent and the car is suddenly awkward.
"We see a lot of each other for 'not exactly friends'" Liam says after a moment.
Theo sinks into his chair.
Theo doesn't speak to Liam for a good twenty minutes, even though Liam tries. The car is tense.
Theo wonders why he ever decided to agree to this. It's a bad idea to have them together in a situation where they Have to work together. In a situation where they have to not only get along but pretend that they are in love.... It's a really stupid idea. Liam should have realized that.
Theo leans his head back and closes his eyes.
"Listen man, if you don't want to do this we can turn around and I can let you off back at uni." Liam says, looking straight ahead.
"I'll deal with my parents."
Theo blinks at Liam. There's a strange amount of panic in Liam's voice that makes Theo want to hit something. Liam hasn't been scared since the hunters came.
"I can tell you don't want to do this, alright? If I can see it, my parents will as well."
"Look, I'm fine. I wouldn't do something like this if I didn't want to. I still wouldn't die you, Dunbar."
Liam smiles and Theo hates the crinkles by his eyes and how light he looks.
"But you'll do this with me?"
It's Theo's turn to hide a smile.

Let me know your thoughts!
You can find me on tumblr at iwritefanfictionsometimes or Ao3 at i_write_fanfiction_sometimes.
This is part 1 of 3-5ish.
I really appreciate likes and comments!

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