Start from the beginning

"Well if there are bad things we've certainly not heard about them – And believe me we've heard a looo-."

"Fine! Dad – We get it." Shawn interjects sheepishly and Manny laughs a deep throaty laugh.

You're thankful of the dim lights above the booth, hiding the pink color of your cheeks – Karen and Manny sit across from you, both with expectant smiles as you sit beside Shawn with Aaliyah sitting on the left side of the booth.

It was weird to be in a dinner with Shawn's parents, part of you felt excited and nervous about winning them over – And then the other part was scolding you for even thinking of trying to win them over.

"How is our Shawn behaving in college, (y/n)?." Karen asks with a playful smile and Shawn brings both of his hands to his face, rubbing as he groans.

"Muuuum." He complains and you chuckle softly.

"He is being good so far, Mrs.Mendes – I mean he could clean his side of the room more often..." You trail off jokingly and the group laughs lightheartedly.

Shawn's mouth agapes as he looks at you dumbfounded.

"Don't even try to deny it! Your closet is almost bursting with dirty clothes!." You say before he can protest and he cackles.

"Call me Karen, sweetheart." Karen smiles warmly and you nod with an over the moon look on your face. The air in the room lightens as the table laughs lightheartedly, you feel comfortable as dinner rolls in – Making jokes as his parents and sister tell you some of Shawn's childhood embarrassing stories.

"And he came running into the room with the razor stuck on his cheek!." Karen chuckles lightly and you try to stifle your laugh as Shawn's cheeks turn pink as he sips on his iced tea.

"So that's how that cute little scar came to be?." You reach over to touch the small scar on the side of his cheek with a soft smile. He licks his lips as you touch it lightly - Feeling your warm fingertips graze the surface of the faded but deep scar softly, his brown eyes staring at you tenderly.

The group of three soon take notice of the sparkle on his brown eyes, a small smile tugs on their lips.

"Are there any more embarrassing stories you would like to tell my roommate?." Shawn clears his throat and straightens up on his seat as your hand falls on the table slowly, placing the knife on top of the plate; satisfied with your meal.

"Not one that we can remember right now, but as soon as we remember we'll make sure to tell her." Aaliyah says jokingly and Shawn narrows his eyes at her and sticks his tongue out.

You were enjoying yourself, the grin on your face never once leaving through the whole night – No wonder why Shawn was one of the most down to earth, kindest, sweetest and smartest guys you had ever met. His family was all of that, soft, loving and welcoming – Soon they had treated you like they had known you since forever.

"So (y/n)-." Aaliyah trails off and you look at her expectantly. "How long have you been dating your boyfriend?." She asks sweetly and you giggle.

"Aaliyah." Shawn scolds slowly and you lay a hand on his arm with a warm smile.

"It's fine." You assure before looking back at her. "For about two weeks now." You reply softly and she nods slowly.

"He seems nice." Aaliyah compliments, though she was thinking about how you two hadn't been dating for that long, and how Shawn and you had been roommates for almost six months now.

"He is really nice." You smile sweetly, heart warming up.

Shawn bites his bottom lip, stiffing up – Suddenly he wasn't feeling all too good. He had been too busy loving every second of you with his family to think about the fact that you weren't really his.

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