Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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         I was awoken by the sound of fingernails scraping across a chalkboard. I recognized the sound, it was familiar. I probably heard it somewhere on TV. To those of you, who have never heard the sound, consider yourselves lucky. It’s like a screeching and horrible noise that made me want to tear my hair out. 

   I wanted to tug a loose strand of hair behind my ear, a habit of mine, when I realized I couldn’t move my hands. I struggled against the object holding me back from this, but to no avail. My head slumped onto my shoulders and I couldn’t find the willpower to hold it in place. I felt hollow and dehydrated. I really craved water at that moment.

   I subconsciously wriggled my wrists, and acknowledged a feeling of rope burn. At that precise moment, all of my memories flooded back. The beach, the men, the car, the jump; all this registered in my head and I looked up with a start.

   I wished I could rub my eyes with the hands that were bound, because my surroundings completely confused me. Honestly, I was more taken aback then when I realized Ryan wanted to join Anna, Bea and mine’s trio. I would have smiled at the memory had it not been for the fact that I wanted to cry.

   I was in a classroom. I didn’t imagine the chalkboard noise because there was a teacher there. She was staring at me with icy blue eyes, as if she could see through me. I didn’t like her look. She pursed her lips, and suddenly it was clear to me that she wanted me to take in my surroundings before she spoke.

   And so I did. To my left, I saw ten desks strictly facing the front. Inside of each desk there were three textbooks, about two hundred pages each. The walls were bare, and sickeningly yellow flowers were embroidered onto the tangerine wallpaper. I slowly turned my head to my right. I counted nine more desks and the same wallpaper.

   The only direction left was straight in front of me. My eyes roamed over the too clean chalkboard. The only thing written was Madame’s Institute for Discipline and Order. The name sounded as sharp and neat as the woman standing beside it. She was a thin but curvy woman. I couldn’t tell how old she was but if I had to guesstimate I would say she was thirty, give or take a year or two. She was smiling from ear to ear, and she was beautiful. Honestly, for someone her age, she looked gorgeous.

    When I realized I was gaping at her, I resumed my poker face and stared defiantly at her. She raised her head slightly at my new position, and wet her lips before she spoke.

   “My name is Madame. Welcome to Madame’s Institute for Discipline and Order.” She waited for my response. I raised my eyebrows. I was stolen from my life to end up and some kind of school? That’s exactly what every girl wants to hear.

   “WHY THE HELL DID YOU KIDNAP ME, YOU PSYCHO WITCH?!” I shrieked at Madame. She remained calm, as if I had just commented on the weather.

  “Kidnap? What a preposterous suggestion. We are giving you a better life here at the Institute.” She said, sitting in the chair next the desk and pulling out some tea.

   “WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PLACE FOR?!” I seethed, shaking in fear as well as fury. Madame’s next words chilled me to the bone.

   “We choose the best-looking and behaving girls and boys from around the area, bring them here, and teach them how to love. You will live here until you graduate. We will select a husband for you when you turn sixteen, and when you turn eighteen, you will become a woman with this man, and proceed to marry him when you are nineteen.” She was composed while she sipped her tea.

   “WHAT?” I shouted at her. “LISTEN TO ME, YOU PIECE OF SHIT. UNTIE ME AND TAKE ME HOME.” I tried again to move my hands and believe me; if I could I would have flipped her off. At my words, I saw her teeth clench and her small hands ball into fists. She was losing her temper, I could tell.

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