Tag, you're it.

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Author's note: Oceane_Breeze tagged me yet again. The song above describes Danica's mom and Aunt Fleur at this time. Boy are they heartbroken.

Nickname: Well when my sister was little, she couldn't pronounce my name right and sometimes my dad will rehash it and call me that, but nope I can't stand nicknames. However, my nickname's Edge here on Wattpad.

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Also Brown

Fact about me: I am the oldest of my siblings.

Favorite Color: Indigo

Favorite Place: Puerto Rico, duh

Favorite Celebrity: Hmm...this is hard. Tom Hiddleston is my celebrity crush so...him.

Favorite Animal: Coqui (Puerto Rican animal/symbol of pride)

Favorite song: so many to choose from...Well, I'm listening to this one right now. Traidora by Gente de Zona ft. Mark Anthony.

Favorite book: The Bible and Every Soul A Star. Both good books to read. One being the Good Book.



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