Red Vines Village I

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Dorothy Montogremy (Wrong spelled in last chap, sorry)

Were in the Black Stone village, to find the artifact for teleporting in Red Vines village. Were in the shop of a blacksmith and an artifact creator, The Great Manduk.

"Mr. Manduk, Do you have an teleportation artifact available in your store?" I asked him, he touched his long beard and stared at me with his big amethyst eyes.  He rumbled in the stash at the bottom of his shelves. 

"Ohhh still here yet this one is a lil bit expensive my little travelers, this one can travel in different areas." He showed a silver pocket watch, it's similar to Lucius pocket watch. 

"How much does it cost?" Lucius asked to the Great Manduk. 

"It's 500,000 gems . It came from the Green Lake Village, personally created by the Jade Empress." He said, The jade empress was one of the strongest healer in this time. Rumors said that she can make the dead alive.

"Here." Lucius calmly said and brings out a  big sack containing all the gems needed. My mouth went wide due to shock yet realizing he came from the capital, that's why he got a lot of gems.

The Great Manduk took the big sack of gems and waved goodbye to us. Lucius began chanting to the artifact. 

"Metaforá, Red Vines Village" He chant, and white smoke began to cover my sight until I can't see the Black Stone village.

The teleportation stopped and were here in the red vines village. As the people in my village said, these village is very red because of the blood of the great ruby dragon. Legend said that a powerful mage slayed the great ruby dragon, covering the village red. People in this village, thanked the powerful mage by maintaining its color.

"It's super red, the grass, the  water.." I said as I observed the place in amusement. Lucius just started walking ang following the red cobblestone path. I began following him as well.

Now we entered the main village. A lot of homes has big red vines left on it. The  powerful mage used a vine magic to destroy the dragon. And a lot of the vines were left on the village too.

But one vine caught my attention, it was glowing in red and it feels like something is living. A life force maybe? But it's faint.

"Hey, What are you doing Dorothy? The map fragment is located at the Red River, near at the village." Lucius said to me. I began to hurry and follow him to find the Red River. We walked for a long time and realizing it's already at night.

The white moon starts appearing in this dark sky, this time the stars decided to hide.

Lucius stopped walking and began summoning a protection barrier spell. He also summoned a tent. 

"Hey, we need to sleep, Red river is near in our location. Better save up your energy because based on what I heard, many fisherman fishing in there were missing, we better find them." Lucius said and began to sleep in the tent. 

I ponder for a little bit realizing he only made one tent...

I panicked and my cheeks started to feel hot. My whole body is hot. 

"Hey Lucius! Do you have any tents left?" I asked. I opened the tent and began to peek at his sleeping face. He looks so gentle and kind. Unlike when awoke, he looks cold and grumpy.

He opened his eyes, he's half awake.

"Ahh don't mind me, I can sleep outside.." I said and quietly leaved the tent yet I can't seem to get away.

"Págoma" He chanted half awake. I'm surprised even he is half awake he managed to cast a spell.

"Elefthérosi" I chanted to break away his spell yet it seems his spell is way stronger than I thought.

"Magnítis" He chanted and I began moving towards him. I began to panic, is he mad because I disturb his sleep?

Now I'm standing in front of him, while he is laying in his mat. He closed his eyes and began sleeping. He suddenly holds my hand and pulls me closer to him. My heart began thumping. I'm starting to get nervous.

"Sleep with me. You can't sleep outside, the barrier spell I chanted is pretty weak." He said. I tried breaking away from his embrace. And he made it even harder to break in, he embraced me and his face is so close to my face.

"Your so warm.." He whispered. My body began becoming hot until I didn't realize he was casting a sleeping spell on me!

"Ypnos" He chanted a sleeping spell on me. Everything went black.

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Metaforá - Transportation Spell

Págoma  - Freeze Spell

  Elefthérosi - Release Spell (Under Stun, Freeze, Hypno etc.)

  Magnítis - Magnet Spell 

Ypnos - Sleeping Spell 


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