"I don't think Ali would lie to you." Aria puts her opinion in. "But maybe she's not telling you the whole truth." 

And that was the end of the conversation. I turned around in my seat and began writing my notes down for the class. Maybe Aria is right. Alison could be holding the whole truth from me. But if she is, what is she not telling me? 

I wonder if her and Caroline had some sort of history together because Alison looked like she enjoyed that hug in the hospital a little more than necessary. Then again, I could be wrong. And I don't want to ask when it's just going to start a fight.

But the other part of me wants to know if they have history. 


To Ali: 

Can I come over?

From Ali: 

Of course

Alison sends me the address to her place so I put it into the maps on my phone and head that way. 

Throughout the entire day, I couldn't stop thinking about the whole Caroline thing. I need to know if there was something between them or not. 

Alison's POV

I wonder why Emily wants to come over. Does she need to talk to me about something? It must be important since she wants to come over right after school. I wonder what she told her dad. I imagine she said she's going to one of her friend's house.

It would have been easier if I had stayed another night over at their house but I didn't want to intrude so I came home.

About five minutes later after sending her my address, a knock sounds at my door. That's weird. Did she like teleport here? It takes twenty-five minutes to get here from her house. There's no way that's her.

I open the door to see Caroline standing there with a small smile on her face with flowers in her hand and a Get Well balloon. 

"Um, hi." I give her a smile and then hug her. "What are you doing here?" 

"I thought I'd bring you flowers to help make you feel better with the whole accident and everything." My heart warms at her gesture.

"Thank you but you didn't have to." 

"I wanted to. Besides, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't bring you a Get Well balloon!" I laugh. She has a point. 

"Please, come in." I open the door wider for her to walk in. She sets the flowers down on the living room table along with the balloon, tying it to the vase so it doesn't float away. "Can I get you something to drink?" 

"Tea would be great." She follows me into the kitchen and then sits down on the stool in front of the island. "So how are you feeling?"

"Better. I have an occasional headache but nothing I can't handle." I say as I pour us both tea.

"That's good. How are you and things with Wayne?"

"Um, good so far." I wonder why she asked me that. She nods her head with a smile. "How are things with Bonnie and Elena?" I hadn't said their names in forever so it's a little strange.

"They are doing good. Elena is a doctor now. Bonnie is a teacher for Mystic Falls High School." 

"Wow, really. That's amazing. I'm glad they are doing good. Is Elena still with Stefan?" I remember them dating. Or maybe it was Damon. I can't remember. 

"She's with Damon now. Her and Stefan broke it off because she fell for Damon." My mouth forms into an 'O' shape. That must have been hard on Stefan. I can't imagine how he felt being betrayed by his own brother. "But as for Stefan, he's with me now." Her lips form into a big smile. 

"Oh, wow! That's amazing, Care." I'm happy for her. I remember she couldn't stop daydreaming about him ever since she laid eyes on him. It nearly crushed her when Elena started dating him. I mean Elena knew Care liked him but she went after him anyway. 

"It really is. He's amazing. He makes me so happy." 

Out of nowhere, my dog pounces on Caroline, licking her on the face. I guess he decided to wake up from his nap. 

"Sorry, he doesn't have any manners." I laugh, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him off her. Damn, he's strong. 

"It's fine. I love dogs." She laughs and pets him on the head. 

"Well, I'm going to go change real quick. It's probably time for me to get out of my night clothes." Caroline nods her head before playing with the dog more.

Emily's POV

As soon as it says I reached my destination, I see a small blue house with a nice little yard. I know it's Alison's house because her car is parked in the driveway. Does she have two cars? I've never seen the other one before. Maybe it's Spencer's?

But then again, why would she tell me to come over when Spencer is here?

I get out of the car and walk up to the small house. I knock on the door and wait patiently for her to open the door. A part of me still doesn't think I should talk to her about the whole Caroline thing but I know I have to. I need to know. 

As soon as the door opens, my smile disappears. You have got to be kidding me.

"Emily, right?" Caroline gives me a small smile. I almost roll my eyes at her sweetness.

"Right. Is Alison around?" Of course, she's around. Her car is in the driveway.

"Yes, she is. She went to go change but she should be back soon." That's when I notice Caroline's hair is a complete mess. Wait...Were they just...? 

I should have known! I was too blind to see it. Of course, they had a history together. I'm so stupid! Hanna was right. She lied to me. 

Inside my chest, I can hear my heart cracking piece by piece.

"Um, that's fine." Tears threaten to fall down but I hold them back. "I'll just come back later." I lie. I'm not coming back. I don't ever want to see Alison again. 

I hate her! 

I quickly turn around and run to my car. I can't believe Alison did this to me. I feel like a fool. Was I just practice for her?  

I put the car in reverse and back out, tires screeching. I need to get out of here.

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