Epilogue~The Beginning of a Happy Ending

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The end is here, but I have a new book Glamour released. Another Ghostbird Fan Fiction!!! Look for a synopsis at the end of the chapter!

I'd developed an odd relationship with myself over the past few weeks, and had also picked up an equally bad and strange habit. Every so often, I'd track down a sewing needle or pin, and stab it into my thumb.

Blood would pearl from the small wound, barely enough to create a single drop, but that drop was mesmerizing. It was shinny and opaque, but also foreign and unknown. It showed me that my old life was over, that I'd survived, but it also reminded me of what I'd done. Killing a monster had changed me.

My blood was no longer a pure gold, instead it was now a metallic silver. No longer did I have to push my tears away, because they were just simple tears now-just like a humans. Clear salty water, and nothing more. Because no longer was I pure, instead I was tainted and marred by the blackened blood that had coated my hands like tar. I was still an Angel with pure white wings, but no longer was there an expectation of greatness from me. I was still considered a good Angel, far above almost all, but the pressure was gone-a pressure I hadn't even realized I'd carried.

I wasn't sure what to think about it, because while I felt relief there was also a new weight. I felt dirty and gross like I was decaying from what I'd done, taking a life away. True, the life needed to be ended, but it still haunted nearly every nightmare I had. However, I couldn't complain much, I was alive and so were my Chosen. No longer would my blood be gold, but no longer was I burdened by my past-my Chosen had made certain of that.

To put it simply, I died.

Yet it was also one of the hundredth times I'd died, so it wasn't interesting besides the fact that Victor hadn't needed to go into a vision to save me. He'd actually brought me back to life in person three days after I'd killed Volto and if nothing else, I'm incredibly happy that I wasn't alive during those days.

It was as if an atomic bomb had been released throughout the entire world, a chaos that was still being soothed even now weeks later. Hundreds of thousands of people previously thought to be alive were actually determined to be dead, more everyday are confirmed. Volto and his followers had slaughtered entire towns, ended blood lines, and had mercilessly taken the lives of the innocent.

There was also a major dent and vulnerability in the Angel community, their organizations and leaders were compromised. Volto, amongst the hundred of powers he'd taken, had also been able to get the power of compulsion much like Owen. While it had been subtle, Volto had taken over large portions of everything and nearly everyone. It was how he was able to turn many Demon prisons into his own headquarters, how he was able to evade being found out. Everything was on shaky ground, everyone needed to be inspected to see if they were in league with Volto, and there were entire facilities found corrupt. The Academy included, nearly a third of the members knowingly worked for Volto, another third had been under mind control, and the remaining had just been oblivious.

The prisons ended up being their first priority to get up and running again just because there were so many prisoners and no where else to put them. Most of the Demons and corrupt Angels though had run and gone into hiding, there were people after them but the likelihood of finding them was rare-everyone was tense, just waiting for them to attack.

But, the main reason I was glad to be momentarily dead was because of what followed immediately after, affecting my Chosen and I. Owen, Luke, Gabriel, (and technically my body) as well as Volto's body had been trapped in the cement room for nearly three hours before a familiar redhead had teleported into the room. Ryan, his name, had been one of the thousands under mind control. He'd been been granted a bracelet by Volto that let him into all of the prison cells and during those hours had been releasing everyone.

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