__Chapter One : True Winner__

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_____ Chapter One: True Winner ______

First person POV: Lion

" Hey isn't that Lion? ".

" Let's get out of his way! ".

Idiots, can't even stand up to me.

That's why small fry like them should be below me.

" OI, where the hell are you two goin'? ".

I could feel another fiery sensation run up to my senses. The usual feeling when you win or somethin'.

A smirk slid on my lips as I quickly grabbed onto the runaways. My hands shoved 'em towards the nearby trashy alleyway.

" You small fry, can't even take a beating, huh? I guess I really am better than you two. ".

Hmph, insulting 'em always works.


Knew it, but the other one didn't seem too angered by my insult.

" Oi, Kou! Let's leave! ".

Honestly, I could laugh. Why was this one such a wussy?

" Come on, try hittin' me. I'm sure your boss would be very happy."

Almost everyone in this area knew me.

The small fries up in this area call me,

the Unbeatable Lion.

" Come on Jun, let's beat the shit outta this cocky bastard.".


First Person POV:  Snake

I don't care much about others but, I did have this sense for justice or something like that.

I didn't like It when weaklings were beaten up by stronger opponents. I guess my opinions didn't matter much.

I was on my way to my neighborhood's corner store. My otouto forced me to come since he was doing club activities after school and knew that we were running out of eggs. He knew I didn't like doing things like this, after I lived a whole day off of Hell.

Yeah, school was Hell.

On my way there, my ears caught some smacking and other noises that weren't very nice for normal people.

It seemed like there was a fight going on or something. I decided to check It out. Before I could peek, a guy in the same uniform as me ran past my shoulder.

His face didn't look very appealing, I guess. Mm, the usual black and blue?

There was definitely someone there who was stronger. I could feel It. If you're thinking I'm some kind of Man Spider, you're wrong. I'm just used to these feelings.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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