I Kinda Believed The Rumor That You Were Smuggling Drugs(Chapter 4)

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I Kinda Believed The Rumor That You Were Smuggling Drugs(Chapter 4)

As I get out of my car I look up at the sun and can't wait to get inside to take a nap. I walk up to the building and put in my pin to unlock the door to the lobby. I hear the door unlock and quickly get inside.

"Ah, Ms. Strigo! Here's your mail sweetheart." Lewis, the doorman says with a smile as he hands me my mail.

"Thanks Lewis, did you have a good day." I say as I lean with my elbows on the desk as I look through my mail.

"Just the usual, sitting here and giving people their mail, among other work things I don't want to bore you with." He says with a dramatic wave of the hand.

"Alright, Lewis. I'm going to head up, I'll see you later." I say as I walk away towards the elevator.

"Have a good day, Ms. Strigo." He says with a smile and a wave. As I step into the elevator I press the number 28. As I am waiting for the lift to arrive at my floor I start to play some games on my phone.

I hear the elevator ding, signaling for me to get off. As I walk, I start to pull out my keys and finding the right one to unlock the door. I unlock the door to my 2 story, 2 bedroom apartment, well penthouse. I set my stuff by the front door and walk to the kitchen. Right when I'm about to grab the stuff I need to make dinner my phone rings.

"Hello?" I ask, since I couldn't be bother to look at the caller ID.

"Aspen? Can you meet me for coffee at the little coffee shop on the corner? I really need a friend to talk to." I hear Lillian say as she chokes back a sob.

"The little hipster one? Yeah I can be there in," I look at the clock and then look at the key for my bike, "4 minutes." I say as I grab my helmet and race to the window, knowing the fire escape will be much quicker than the elevator.

After I make my way down the fire escape, I run to the parking lot, hop on my bike, rev the engine and race off. I weave my way in and out of traffic, all the while thinking about what could have made Lillian so upset, and more importantly, why did she call me. I round the corner and see the little coffee shop and park my bike. I get off and lock my helmet to my bike and look at my watch.

'23 seconds to spare, not bad.' I think to myself as I walk into the coffee shop. I look around and find Lillian sitting in a corner booth, trying not to cry. I walk over to where she is sitting and see she hasn't seen me yet. I climb into her side of the booth and hug her. She jumps a little bit but when she sees it's me she hugs me back.

"Thank you so much for coming." She says into my shoulder.

"Lil, its not a prob-" I cut myself off as I get a look at her face and see a massive bruise forming on her cheek as well as both of her eyes, indicating someone punched her in the nose.

"Who the fuck did this to you?' I say in a low, dangerous voice. Before she can answer I grab her arm and take her to my bike. Her eyes widen and she is about to protest but I cut her off.

"Put this on and get on the bike." I say handing her the helmet, leaving no room for argument. She sighs, puts on the helmet, careful not to hit any of the bruises or her nose. She waits for me to get on the bike and then gets on behind me and raps her arms around my neck.

"Don't put your arms there, you're going to choke me out when we get going. Put your arms around my waist." I say, moving her arms from my neck to my waist.

"Sorry." She says sheepishly, resting her head on my back. I race off to my apartment, with Lilly having a death grip on my waist the entire time (She's scared of dust bunnies, imagine a ride on the back of a bike).

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