"Your death," she answered him. Almost snarling, she launched at him, sinking her fangs into his neck. She'd been so fast, he had no chance to defend himself. There was also no attempt by her to hide what she was doing, as she didn't care if she was seen. As a matter of fact, she wanted everyone to know, including the non-vampires. Let them know the evil they flirted with.

A low, horrible sounding mule echoed from the vampire, as she drained him of his life. It didn't take long. She had a lot of experience doing that. She'd considered letting it drag out, increasing his pain, but she didn't. When she stood up, she looked out at the stunned people, some normal humans, some not.

"You have allowed this one to prey on children. If I discover this again, I will hold you responsible, and you will pay," she said, then wiped the small trail of blood from the underside of her mouth. Her attack had been fast and vicious.

"Who is this little girl to lecture us?" a voice said, rising above the silence.

"I am your executioner, if you do not do as I say," she said, and looked directly at the source of the voice.

The man had a nose piercing, as well as several piercings on his eyebrows, ears, and lip. Their was also a rather impressive collection of tattoos scattered over his exposed flesh. He wasn't young, but he wasn't very old, either. She knew, using that very sense these pathetic excuses for porphyrics didn't.

"We don't listen to some little runt, that is the very thing she's angry with us for allowing. You have no authority here, and in fact, we should kill you for the very crime you are ranting about," he said.

"You know this man did this, yes?"

"Yeah, we all did. So what?"

"Come, take me, if you can," she challenged, with no further prelude, or thought about it.

"Kristiana," Charlotte said, trying to calm her down.

"Do not interfere," she replied, only loud enough for Charlotte and her guards to hear. Her words were stretched out, and spoken in Latvian.

"I don't prey on children," he said, smiling and laughing, and turning to his friends.

"You afraid of me? You should be."

He stepped forward a little, but still maintained some distance. "You need to spank this child before she gets in trouble," he told Charlotte.

As with the one she'd killed only moments before, she moved forward too fast for him to prepare himself. She slapped him hard enough for it to be heard in other rooms, and throw him to the side a bit.

"Take me, if you can," she again challenged him.

Now, he was angry. However, he wasn't stupid. That was obvious. Her slap had given him some indication of her strength. He started circling, a large opening forming around them as he moved. She remained perfectly still, not even turning to stay facing him. He fainted once, and when she didn't even flinch, he backed off. He was unnerved by her apparent indifference.

In reality, she wasn't indifferent, but knew he hadn't committed. One of his friends was trying to get his attention, having finally realized there was something very different about her. Looking at the friend, she smiled, and made a shushing gesture. He looked at her at that moment, and terror bloomed on his face. He knew.

"Lester, we need to go," that one said.

"I've got to punish this kid, teach her to respect her elders," he said.

"Lester, let's go," the man said, beginning to sound desperate.

She resumed speaking, before the friend could tell the world what she was. "Lester? Is that your name? I would expect a man that looks like you to have a cool name, not 'Lester'," she said, making it sound really pathetic. The friend was still trying to get Lester's attention, but she made sure she kept it. "Are you able to keep girls interested once they find out your name? Probably not, but that's probably better, looking at you."

The Ancient OneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ