She stood up on my legs, bouncing and blowing spit bubbles. "Kiss kiss" I stuck my lips out. She kept doing what she was doing, laughing.

We played until she started fussing again so I fed her, changed her, and put her back in her swing so she could take her second nap for the day. I heard Taejin and Tae loud selves still playing so I went and laid down.

I was laying flat on my stomach watching snaps when I felt Tae smack my ass. I hissed "Stoooppp!"

"Stoooppp" He mocked me and my voice. "It's your turn now, you still up for that play date?" He asked making me laugh.

"Actually no, I gotta leave in a little bit." I checked my phone seeing it was almost 5:30. "Nic asked me to throw him a home welcoming party so I am." I sat up, fixing my high ponytail. "It's at the skating rink at seven, you coming?"

He smacked his lips, putting his arms on each side of me. "It ain't even six, you got plenty of time." He tried to kiss my lips but I mushed his face a little bit.

"I asked you are you coming?" I looked over his face.

"Probably not"

"Tae" I whined.

"What? You asked me and I gave you my answer." He tried to kiss me again making me lean my head back.

"Stop playing man, my dick hard as a brick right now."

"Taelor I really want you to come and I'm sure Nic would love for you to come too."

"That's too damn bad."

I pouted "Why you gotta be so mean all the time?" I folded my arms across my chest. "I want you there Tae, come for me... pleaseeeee?"

"The fuck I look like coming to somebody shit when I don't even fuck with them, that's lame and corny to me."

"Well it's different when the person's sister is your girlfriend."

"Fiancé" He corrected me.

I blushed "Excuse me, fiancé." I put my pout back on. "Pleaseeeee?" I wrapped my arms around his neck. "For me?" I smiled.

He eyed me "I'll think about it." He went in to kiss me again. "Nicole stop fucking playing with me." He spat as I leaned back again.

I laughed.

"Alright" He tried to get up but I held onto him. I kissed him, biting his bottom lip. "Love you baby."

After bouncing on his dick for a couple hours, I was rushing to get out of the house. I made sure I had everything I needed for my kids and ran to my car. It was already 7:15 and I still hadn't went to pick up Nic. "Taejin give Troi Troi her pacifier for Mommy please." I looked in the review mirror at him as he did was I said. "Thank you baby."

"Shhhhh Troi Troi, no cry

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"Shhhhh Troi Troi, no cry." He pat her hand softly. Tae drove his own car of course;he didn't want to be in the same vehicle as Nic. I applied my second lash as I pulled up to Nic's apartment complex. He told me he was already waiting for me in the lobby so he went ahead and came outside.

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