【 Episode 】11

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(This one shot is an adaptation of Episode 5
and Chapter 6 from the series Noragami by Adachitoka!)


Outside is dark, the hallways are dark, the rooms are dark...everywhere, for as far as Chanyeol can see, is just this suffocating darkness. Thunder rolled and snapped outside as he inched his way across the long corridor, making him jump.

"GYA—urgh, it was just thunder, Chanyeol."

Trying to toughen himself up by slapping his clammy forehead, Chanyeol continued his snail's pace crawl down the hallway, the cold sweat on his forehead glistening in the moonlight.

"Her room is at the end of this hall..."

Rubbing his arms, Chanyeol focused his gaze on the lone door at the end of the hall. He was going to try and pay the intimidating darkness no heed.

But why is he going to this room, you ask?

Because the poor guy's hoping that the resident of the room could perhaps help cure his impeding fear of the dark. Keywords: hope and perhaps.

"...Okay, here goes nothing."

Taking a deep breath, Chanyeol rapped his knuckles against the oakwood door, keeping still as he listened nervously for a response.

Eventually, after a suffocating minute of silence, a faint "Come in..." emitted from the other side.

...Good, she's awake. Letting out a sigh of relief, Chanyeol twisted open the doorknob, stepping into the domain. "Alright, cool. I'm coming in."

However, the moment he entered the room and his eyes landed on the pretty girl cozied up in her bed, he began to deeply regret his actions.

Oh no, I can't possibly—! Maybe I should leave—


The voice was murky-sounding and laced with tiredness, and Chanyeol found himself looking downcast guiltily. He had woken her up from what was probably a good sleep, after all.

"...Sorry to wake you Mari." he apologized quietly.

"Not at all. What's the matter?"

The bedsheets rustled as Mari turned to her side. Her eyes seemed to glow in the dark as she peered at him, a lazy smile forming on her lips.

"Um," Chanyeol began awkwardly, rubbing his arm, "the new lights that just got installed in my room are designed to turn off after 11 o'clock," he cringed at how childish he sounded, "and I don't feel comfortable in the dark, so..."

He hung his head, mortified.

To his surprise, Mari didn't laugh or make fun of him. Instead, she let out a quiet "Ah, I see."

They basked in a comfortable yet awkward silence for a couple seconds before Mari spoke up again, sitting up in her bed.

"Want to sleep with me then?"

𝐫𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 ✧: A Chanyeol One Shots AnthologyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ