60- happy endings

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This is the last chapter of the book. it is also very short so do not hate me.

Thank you for reading, commenting and voting on my chapters.

Even if Narry never ends up together it can still be a happy ending right???



I smile in my small dorm as Tristan wraps his arms around me.

"We did it babe." He says softly before kissing my cheek.

Tristan got his acceptance letter a little time after  I did.

Our dorms aren't in the same buildings but that's fine, we can still make the most of what we have.

I hear my alarm going off making me fly from Tristan's arms.

"I have my intro class today!" I say louder than I needed to As I grab my books from all around the room.

"Babe it's okay! Breathe." He laughs before pulling me into his arms.

"Go, I'll be here when you come back." He says kissing my cheek once more as I smile up at him. What have I done to deserve him?

I grab my bag and run out of the dorm room, I say hello to my few neighbours before running to my car.

I'm where I want and need to be without him. I never need him again.

I laugh to myself as I start my car and drive the short distance to my lecture building.

I walk into the class feeling prepared and open my text books before crossing my legs.

I'm just in time as the professor begins his intro.

I write every word he says in hopes that it will help me later on. I write all of his grading and make a self note to make a copy of his syllabus. One for my desk In the dorms and one for my bag.

"You will be graded on-"

A door opening at the side of the auditorium captures the professors attention and a lot of the students.

Some tardy guy won't distract me from my notes though.

I finish the paragraph with a content period and look up to see the tardy grabbing his notes with his green eyes locked on me.



This isn't real.



The second book will be up soon so stay updated! 😊💕💕

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