Chapter 2: A Deal

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"Go and get the girl, i'll keep our special guest here, occupied." 

"Yes Captain!" the young pirate spoke, before racing off.

"Wait, you don't mean..." Riku spoke, trying to lift himself up, he looked at Sora. Who saw the fear and worry in Riku's crystal blue eyes. Sora just smiled and looked down at the sailor.

Soon the young pirate returned with princess Kairi, who was yelling and thrashing about trying break free from her captor. Riku's heart began to sink.

"Now, If hurting you won't make you talk. We'll just have to hurt your little princess." 

Sora then pulled out his sword and placed it at the young woman's throat. Her breath began to slightly quicken but she was in no way panicking. "Now, tell us where the treasure is or else the lovely lady will be no more."

Riku looked up at Sora and Kairi unsure of what to say...

"Tick tock Riku," The brunette spoke. His sword inching ever-so-closely to making contact with Kairi's throat, until it was about to pierce her flesh. 

"Alright! I'll tell you. Just... let Princess Kairi go," Riku spoke, avoiding Sora's gaze. "Do we have a deal?"

Sora smiled and drew back his sword from Kairi's neck. "Yes. Take her back to her chamber, I'll be having a little chat with silverlocks here." Sora barked. The young pirate restraining Kairi nodded and left the room. Leaving just Riku and Sora. 

"So... you promise you won't hurt her?" 

"I swear on my life,"

"And you'll take her to the Land Of Departure, safely?" 

"Of course, as long as you stay here and lead me to Ansem's legendary treasure."

"Alright. It's a deal."

"Indeed. Pleasure doing business with ya Riku." 

The brunette then walks over to Riku, who is still struggling to gain his balance.

"Would ye like some assistance getting onto yer feet?" Sora spoke offering his hand out to Riku. Who was slightly confused on the captain's suddenly caring gesture. "Y-yeah, thanks." The young sailor said grabbing the outstretched hand and pulling himself up, Sora put Riku's left arm over his shoulder and wrapped his arm around Riku's waist to help support his weight. "Don't mention it, I'm only helping ya till we get to the lower deck, then yer on yer own." Sora said, as they made their way out of the room. 

When they reached the lower deck Sora stopped and unwrapped Riku's arm from around his neck. Riku then leaned on the walls of the ship for support. The lower deck was fairly large, a storage room of sorts filled to the brim with barrels and crates. There was also several rooms to Riku's left, well what appeared to be several rooms anyways. They were more like prison cells more than anything. There were three rooms in total, each separated by a thick wooden wall and had metal bars to keep prisoners in. Each one had a large lock on the doors. Inside there was all one would need to survive, a single bed which was really a wooden plank that was secured to the wall with a pillow and cloth to keep warm, and a bucket for when one needed to... well you get the idea.

"Well, Mister Riku, this is where you'll be staying for now. You'll be let out for cleaning duties and for meals, or whenever I need ya, otherwise this is your new home. So you better get used to it." Sora said leading Riku into one of the cells. 

It reeked of something foul. Like rotting fish that's been out in the sun for far too long, it made Riku's stomach turn, but he had to stay strong. 

"I do hope you keep  your end of the bargain," Riku said, sitting himself down on the wooden bed as the captain closed the cell door, locking it with a small silver key. 

"A pirate always keeps up their end of a bargain," Sora replied. "Now get some shut eye." 

"Aye Aye Captain." Jokes the silver haired sailor while the brunette turns his back and leaves.

When arriving to the main deck, Sora makes an announcement and informs his crew of the plan to change course to deliver the Princess to the Land of Departure. 

Mean while... In the castle in the Land of Departure-

A tall brown haired man wearing a dark brown suit sits at a writing desk, many candles of various sizes illuminate the room.  There is a quill in his hand as he writes a letter to the Princess across the sea. His other hand is resting on his forehead, as if lost in thought about something. The man is too focused on the writing that he didn't even hear the sound of the door opening and a visitor coming in. A woman of small size quietly makes her way to the man ahead of her, gently putting her hands on his shoulders causing him to slightly jump upon contact. 

"My apologies Terra, I didn't mean to frighten you." said the woman, she had a reassuring smile and calm blue eyes which matched the color of her hair. She wore a light blue dress with long sleeves, the ends of the dress looked as if they were waves from the ocean.

"Aqua, you were so quiet I didn't even hear you come in." Replied the man, turning to face Aqua.

"So, what brings your lovely company?" Terra asked, setting the quill down on the desk.

"I was curious of what you were doing," Aqua answered, she then glanced down at the parchment that Terra was writing on. "Are you writing her another letter?" Aqua spoke. She had a jokingly sounding tone. 

"Of course, I just want to make sure she's having a safe voyage. "

"Well you do know she won't receive these letters until she returns to the islands, correct?" Aqua joked. 

"Yes, I know. It's just... risky, to put our trust into some sailors. Aqua, are you sure we made the right choice?" Terra asked, his once jolly mood quickly turned solemn. He gazed up at the young woman for some sort of assurance. 

"Of course we made the right decision, with all the recent pirate incidents this is the safest possible way for her to arrive here."

"I sure hope so..."

Moments later the sound of light footsteps can be heard from the hallway as the doors burst open to reveal a young boy with bright blond hair, he is wearing a light green suit and is carrying a letter in his hand. And he is very out of breath.

"Ven?!" Cries Aqua rushing to the young boy's side. Soon being followed by Terra.

"King Terra... Queen Aqua...A letter... from the royals from the islands..." Ventus gasped. Aqua gently taking hold of the letter opens up the envelope, breaking the familiar mouse shaped seal, and pulls out the note. On it reads: 

To the King and Queen of the Land of Departure,

I regret to inform you of a terrible tragedy that occurred recently. You see, the vessel that Princess Kairi was on , the Highwind owned by a Mister Riku, was attacked and ransacked by a group of pirates on the night of Princess Kairi's voyage to the Land of Departure. Whether she or anyone else on the ship survived is still unknown. Although we do not know for certainty who did the deed, a smaller shipping vessel passing through saw the ship that had attacked the Highwind and reported this to the islands royal guard. The ship in question is an old model of Gummi ships and was last seen headed towards Radiant Garden. I'm terribly heartbroken over these events and plan on setting a fleet out to track down the pirates who did this heinous act and give them their justified punishment. I wish you many blessings.

From the Destiny Island's royal Castle's scribe.

"Oh no..." spoke Aqua, her hands immediately shooting to her mouth in astonishment and disbelief, while Terra begins clutching the envelope the paper was received in his hand. 

"This can't be happening..." Terra said under his breath. 

"They'll pay for what they did...I want the head of the pirate who did this... I won't let them get away with this."

A pirates lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora