Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

'Let's go!'


'You drive like a grandma,' I observed as we sped along the road and back to my box. The sun was still shining brightly in the sky and the summer heat felt relaxing against my skin. I stared out the window and watched all the homes as we drove past them.

'I don't drive like a grandma,' He replied. 'I drive safely. You can't get hurt any more than what you already are now.'

'I'm fine,' I groaned. 'You're just too stupid to release it.' A small frown appeared on Michael's face but he let the name slip. A small smile played on my lips as I realised another name that he didn't like to be called and made a mental note of it.

'So,' I said and faced Michael whose eyes were focused on the road. 'When we had our date, you mentioned werewolves had different types of ranks.' I recalled. When Michael nodded his head in confirmation I continued. 'What's yours?'

He was silent for a moment before quickly glancing my way again. 'I don't have a rank,' he said. 'I'm not in a pack.'

'That makes no sense.' I stated.

'When a wolf doesn't want to live in pack life, he becomes a wolf called a rogue.' He explained.

'And that means.....'

'That I don't live in a pack. With everyone trying to boss me around all the time and all the pathetic rules they have in place it just does my head in, I can't stand it. So I became rogue.' Another small glance was tossed my way.

'So then what do you do?'

'Anything really. Cause a bit of trouble, go for runs and go see Reece.' He said with a shrug.

'But you also said that you can't cross territories.' I stated. 'Does that not apply to rogues?'

A small chuckle escaped Michael's lips and a breath taking smile appeared sending my heart into a flutter. 'Packs hate rogues, actually that loathe us. That rule is practically designed for rogues.'

'So you're not staying in pack territory?

'I live in pack territory but it's Reece's land. He lets me stay without question because I'm like a brother to him because we grew up together. He didn't want me to leave, so he offered me a small house in the middle of the forest. His parents, the ex Alpha's of the pack, took me in when my parents left me abandoned in the woods when I was seven. My parents were also alphas of a small pack of rogues but their pack members got killed while running to new land. My parents left for Italy or some shit.' He said with a small shrug.

I was speechless and had no clue what to say. I couldn't ever imagine going through that. Having your own parent's leave you must have been an extremely difficult thing for Michael. 'I'm sorry,' I mumbled.

'Don't be Love, my parents were assholes. Reece's family is the second best thing to ever happen to me.' He told me, reaching across and placing a large hand on my knee. Quickly glancing my way, he smiled warmly at me. My cheeks instantly heated up and once again I was speechless and had no clue what to say so I asked another question hoping it wouldn't invade into personal things again.

'If rogues hate alphas and following rules, then how can there be a rogue pack?' I asked, praying that my cheeks would go back to their normal colour soon.

'They pretty much just led a group of rogues who hated packs and wanted pack life to be hell. They just stirred things up and caused trouble, even making some of the smaller packs declare war against one another.'

'Oh,' I said, not expecting that as an answer at all. 'So, if it's such a big deal to trespass, what happens when you do?'

'If a rogue is caught trespassing they get killed on spot, no questions asked.' He dryly stated.

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