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BESTFRIEND: Guys what's up with Olivia?

Jonahfofonah: idk she just started acting weird all of a sudden.

Corbs: Where'd zach go?

Daniella: Probably tryna make his girlfriend love him😂

BESTFRIEND: He's cheating on me😪

Corbs: It's okay Jackypoo, we'll slap him for you when he comes out of his room.

Jonahfofonah: his door is locked.

Zachary🎤: Okay Guys Liv is okay now


Olivia💚: I'm not his girl, Dani😂

BESTFRIEND: Come hang out with me Liv.

Zachary🎤: Nah bro, she's coming to hang with me.

Olivia💚: I needa hang out with Jack. We never hang out. And besides Zach, Loren just posted on her Insta story that she was gonna come hang out with you.

Jonahfofonah: Haha he has to hang with Loren😂

Zachary🎤: Crap, that's today?!?

BESTFRIEND: Have fun with Loren while I'll be hanging with the best of all human.

Olivia💚: Aweee jackkkk💙 I'm adding Loren to the Gc. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Olivia💚 Added Loren💓 To the group chat

Olivia💚: LOREN


Zachary🎤: Loren, what are we gonna do today?

Loren💓: Probably gonna go to the beach. Liv do you wanna come?

Olivia💚: no, me and Jack are gonna go to the mall and probably skateboarding.

Loren💓: Omg awww you two would be so cute!!

BESTFRIEND: We would wouldn't we?

Olivia💚: possibly. Anyyyywhooo where'd Zachary go??

Zachary🎤: While everyone was talking about today, I cleaned my room.

Daniella: Obviously it's not cleaned if it took you 10 minutes to clean.

Olivia💚: I gtg get ready, Jack what should I wear?

BESTFRIEND: It doesn't matter. You look amazing in anything💚

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