Kim Namjoon ²

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From: BTS
TAGS: Continuation of Kim Namjoon Smut, Fluff, AU,
Requested by— ResidentWolf82457


"Class ends in three minutes so do whatever you want until the bell rings." The teacher said as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose."Except for you Mr. L/n, I need to speak to you."

Y/n nodded with a small glare as Seokjin hid a tiny smirk. Y/n took his phone out and quickly updated his best friend.


do u have bail money?

Y do u need bail money???

im about to kill a bitch
n I need u to bail me out

y would I bail u out?

cause ur my bff for life

u literally called me bitch 5 seconds ago


Who r u gonna kill???

Succ-my ass-jin
that's who

Tf does he want??

Idk he probably wants to try getting me to have pity sex with him
or he might want to take Namjoon away from me
That bitch

yo I'll tell u what
Jimin can bail both of us out
Cause ain't no way I'm letting you take down that bitch without me

this is y we're best friends


The class emptied out as the students left the classroom to go find their friends and enjoy their lunch break. Y/n trudged to Seokjin's desk and glared at the older.

"What the fuck do you want?" Y/n asked.

"What's with the hostility babe?" Seokjin started with a chuckle as he leaned back into his chair and removed his glasses."Can't I just chat with my favorite student?"

"Don't call me babe, and we both know what you want." Y/n growled.

"Then why haven't you given it to me yet?" Seokjin asked."Remember how many times we did it in the classroom? The first time was right here on this very desk."

"Remember how many times you did it in here with Jaehwan?" Y/n retorted.

Seokjin glared at Y/n coldly, the younger smirking in satisfaction.

"C'mon, we both know that you're just desperate to get any one of your toys back because Jaehwan went behind your back and scurried off to Busan with Wonshik." Y/n said as he crossed his arms."I'm not gonna be your little toy again, not when there's someone for me that won't cheat."

Seokjin stood up and angrily walked over to the younger before smirking."You won't, but what about Namjoon? You think he wouldn't crawl back to me as soon as I ask him to?"

"Don't you dare try and take Namjoon away from me!" Y/n growled."I don't want you're dirty hands on him because he's not yours and I clearly told you that."

"Doesn't mean I won't take him away little boy." Seokjin threatened.

"I swear if I ever see or hear that you've talked to I'm gonna make you wish you never—"

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