Jeon Jeongguk

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Jeon Jeongguk X Idol!Male!Reader
<This is from my Various!Males X Male!Reader book>

{Wish Come True}

"I'm sorry baby boy–I really am, but something went wrong with the shoot and we have to stay here for another three days to redo the photo shoot and mini videos."

"Will you at least be able to call me tomorrow?" The raven haired male asked as he leaned against the wall.

"I would love to call you tomorrow Jeongguk, but I don't know when the photo shoot will end and I don't know if they'll redo the mini videos tomorrow or another day."

Jeongguk held in a sigh as he felt tears threaten to fall from his eyes. The singer pulled the phone away from his face to breath in and out before answering."Oh, well maybe the next day then–unless you're busy then too." Jeongguk didn't mean for it to sound harsh but the way he said it made his H/c haired boyfriend's heart break.

"I'm so so sorry Jeongguk, I know how much you wanted us to be together with everyone else for your birthday–I promise I'll make it up to you as soon as I get there okay? We'll go shopping, I'll take you to your favorite restaurant–we can do whatever you want when I get back okay?"

"...Okay.." Jeongguk replied.

"I love you Jeongguk, don't forget that."

"Yeah, I know... Bye.."


Jeongguk hung up and slipped his phone back in his pocket before wiping his eyes as he tried not to cry. The brown eyed male knew that things like this would happen, the life of an idol meant months away from family and schedules where family visits were rare. What's worse is if the idol decides to date another idol, that's where things are messier because of the schedules, paparazzi, fans, and rumors that could and would come up at random. Jeongguk just wished that it wouldn't have happened on his birthday.

Jeongguk put his hands to his sides as he took another deep breath in before walking out of the bathroom and back towards the practice room where he had been a few minutes before his boyfriend's call. Jeongguk tried his best not to look upset and smiled as he walked into the room where his hyungs had been taking a break.

"So how's loverboy?" Jimin asked.

"Y/n's photoshoot was messed up and now he has to stay in (Country) for three more days to redo the photoshoot and mini videos." Jeongguk answered as he walked over to put his phone into his bag.

"He's not gonna make it tomorrow?" Seokjin asked in disbelief as Jeongguk shook his head.

"What kind of dumbass screws up the photo shoot's content?" Yoongi said as he made a face that said "What the fuck".

"You were so excited for him to come back ((hOME)) in time for your birthday tomorrow..." Taehyung said with a pout.

"It is what it is, nothing can be done. It's just the way this business is.." Jeongguk sighed.


"Sorry hyung but can we not talk about this anymore? We should practice for our comeback, ARMY is expecting great things from us again and I don't wanna let them down." Jeongguk interrupted as he walked over to the audio set up.

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