[14] Finding Taylor

Start from the beginning

"Until your friend Colton gives me something he has of mine." He said. He's Martin...

"Your Martin." I said quietly. Now I was scared.

Martin nodded his head. "How'd you find out?" I remembered that Colton said something about him, but I'm not going to.... He deserves it.

"Colton, he told me." I said putting down the cup. Martin was about 6'4, he had tan skin, also he has a buzz cut. He's not buff but he's getting there. He was wearing black jeans, and a black leather jacket. He is a scary guy.

"Ryder get in here!" Martin yelled. Ryder? That can't be the same Ryder I met. Oh but it is Taylor. I said to my self as a smirking Ryder came in. "Watch her while I tell Colton what to do. Oh and don't hurt her too much, she needs to be alive." Martin whispered the last part. But I heard him clearly. He needs to work on his whispering skills. "Will do, boss." Ryder said looking at me. Well glaring...

"I thought we were friends Ryder!" I yelled. I was growing to like Ryder more than a friend, but I guess now my feelings I have towards him changed.

"Friends, please. The only reason why I was so sweet and nice to you was I wanted to see how hard you would fall for me before this happened." Ryder said. "So when we were at Sam's house, playing truth or dare. That kiss meant nothing to you?!" I cried. My heart felt like it has just been ran over by a bus.

Ryder stayed silent. "Your such a ass, Ryder. I thought I-" the slap on my cheek shut me up. "Do you very stay quite?" Ryder asked getting mad. He hit me. Flash backs of Andrew to come. And I began shaking. Ryder kept looking at me. I was so scared, he's turning into Andrew.

I felt something being put in my mouth. A rope to silence me, I had a hard enough time breathing, this just made things worse. I soon felt my hands being tied up again. Colton help.

Once another slap came along I saw Martian come into view.

"I told you not to hurt her." Martin said. "She was being a stubborn bitch. I had no choice." I kicked Ryder in the ankle. When he called me bitch that hurt. Looks like I am befriending Ryder. Before I knew it a punch came into my stomach. I might as well add a hard punch. I tried to cough but the rope in my mouth made it hard to. "Ryder leave." Martian said angrily. Ryder gave me the death look once more then left.

Colton's POV:

Sitting at the table with Colby and Kendall we are discussing how we would get the drugs to Martin and get Taylor out of there. Her mom called me and asked me where Taylor was, and I said that she was over here spending sometime with the kids. If I had told her the truth about where her daughter really is. That would make a even bigger mess. Her brother and the red head are the only ones who know where Taylor actually is. Well, then theres Colby, Kendall and me of corse.

"So where is she?" I asked Colby. He was tracking Martin when he last called me which was five minutes ago saying what I had to do in order to get me and Taylor out of this alive.

"Just give me a second." He said.

Tyler, Taylor's friend came by to get Sam. I told him what happened but told him if he called the cops or her parents he would be dead. I don't want anymore people involoved in this than there already is.

"Ah ha! Found something." Kendall said. I looked up at him. "Did you find Taylor?" I asked hopeful. Kendall looked at me. "Oh, no. I found this awesome jacket I've been looking for and I finally found it." Kendall said. "Kendall, you're supposed to be looking for-"

"Chill your balls man, I found her." Colby said. I got up and stood behind his chair looking at his computer. "WPA West Port Agnecy, It's only about a half hour away, But that is where we need to go and give Martin the drugs so we can get Taylor out alive." Colby said. I nodded. "Kendall you coming?" I asked him. Kendall looked up and nodded. "Alright let's go find Taylor!"


Are they going to get to Taylor in time???

The next chapter won't be up for awhile so I'm sorry about that. I know this might be short, but I am trying to make my chapters a little bit shorter than they usully are.

Yes, If you all liked Ryder your not going to like me or him soon. You saw why a little bit in this chapter but you will hate both of us in the next two chapters. ;) Just to warn ya.

I hope you guys liked this chapter. OH and I was wondering If someone would like to help me edit this story? Like tell me if I should take something out, add something in, make the grammar, or the punctuation, ect... But if I had one that would probably make my life a little bit eaiser on writing this.

I'm just throwing this out there but I believe that the next chapter will hold some violance. So I have to study my action movies to make it the action part real. lol.

I think this is a long enough authors note. So until the next chapter:

Read, Comment, and Vote :)
Oh and question.
Should I do Taylor's POV or Colton's POV to start off the next chapter? I need to know soon.

Thanks, Meg :)

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