Chapter Two

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Chapter Two-

        After a busy, grueling day at work Raegan couldn't wait to get home and just take a nice, hot shower. She'd finally gotten through the whole stack of blueprints and sent them back to their respective creators for editing and revisions. Mr. Lubbock hadn't contacted her after she accepted his invite, and Raegan didn't know how she should feel about that.

        Unlocking the door to her empty, chilly apartment, Raegan began to get ready for the dinner. Her room was a slight mess due to her flinging outfits across it this morning and she made a mental note to clean it. As meticulous as she was with her work, she hated cleaning. Her room was nicely decorated with a collage of pictures of her family and friends decked out on the wall above her bed. She'd hate for her room to be impersonal, and she even went out of her way to paint the walls just to avoid that. Against her landlord's wishes, she'd painted two opposite walls a light grey, and left the other two white. The large window brought tons of light in and the window seat against it was her favorite thing in the whole apartment. She'd always loved window seats, ever since she was a child. She decorated it with white and grey pillows, with one royal blue pillow to match her grey and white striped comforters, with a large blue stripe vertically down the middle.The queen sized, snooze inducing, bed was calling to her at the moment but she knew that she didn't have time for a nap. Quick or otherwise.

        Going through her closet, she started the task of finding something to wear but as she looked through her dresses, she realized she had no idea whether the dinner was formal or otherwise. Searching for her phone, she found his message thread and asked. Waiting for his reply, she decided to go ahead and take a shower. Donning a white fluffy robe from her bathroom, she walked back to her phone as she dried her hair, reading his quick reply.

        The restaurant has a formal dress code. Cocktail dress will suffice but remember it's a business meeting.

        She felt a bit ruffled about him deciding what she would wear but she remembered that it was a business affair. Taking his suggestion into consideration, she searched her closet for the right dress.

        Pulling out a white off the shoulder style dress with a metallic gold band in the middle, she set it down on her bed and proceeded to tame her mane.

        Her hair was a mess of brown, kinky curls and coils on her head. Earlier at work, she'd had it tamed into a bun. Now that it was wet it was defiant and refused to follow the laws of gravity as it dried,  and only became more voluminous. Moving her hair to and fro, she  After taking the time to detangle and moisturize her hair, she made a side part to the right and twisted each side back, pulling the rest of her hair into a low side bun. Starting on her makeup, she painted her face with foundation and opted to just wear mascara and a clear lip gloss. Not wanting to look too plain, she donned an interesting pair of coiled, gold earrings. Smiling at her reflection, she began to dress herself. 

        Just as she was moisturizing her skin with oils, the sound of her doorbell rang throughout her apartment and she looked at the time to see that it was only 6:30 pm. 

        "Pick you up at seven my ass." she muttered under her breath as she walked to the door. Peeking through the peephole, she confirmed that it was who she thought it was before opening the door. 

        "Mr. Lubbock?" she asked, wondering why he was here so early. It was only thirty minutes early, but I was counting on the extra time to get dressed. 

        Miss. Breely." he replied, not offering an explanation, just standing there staring at me. He wore a black suit with small, white pinstripes going down the length of his attire. Not many people could pull off pinstripe suits, but he did it effortlessly. Under the suit, he wore a simple white button down, with a tie that had light and dark blue stripes going at a diagonal. His jet black hair was slicked straight back without losing any of it's volume and the black facial hair splattered across his prominent jawline was even more evident from where she stood. In sum, he looked breathtaking. 

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