Why is it facing the other way? Is he trying to be dramatic or something?

Slowly, Gray walk around the desk with a confused frown as to what Lyon was doing. He couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter when he saw him.

Lyon was sitting slouched in the seat, his head is being propped up by his palm with the help of the side of the seat. His clothes are a little wrinkled and his hair hasn't been properly styled like usual.

"Sorry, Lyon. Should I come back at another time?" Gray asked him sarcastically, rolling his eyes with a smile.

It took a second but then Lyon's eyes slowly opened and he let out a yawn, slowly sitting up straight and stretching before rubbing his eyes. He then froze when he realised what was going on and he quickly jerked his head back up, looking at Gray with surprise.

"Gray? Why are you here?" Lyon asked, still obviously half asleep.

Gray couldn't help but feel a little bit bad for Lyon, he had bags under his eyes and looked like he was really enjoying that nap. 

Gray sighed, "Juvia brought me here. She said that you wanted to see me?" 

"Hm, don't remember doing that... shit I'm tired." Lyon mumbled and rubbed his eyes.

"Lyon, you look half daed. Get some sleep will you? You can talk to me again when you don't look like a zombie." Gary offered, it was clear that Lyon was currently sleep deprived which made him as useless as a hole filled parachute.

Lyon seemed reluctant but then sighed defeat. 

"Sorry, Gray, but I think that you may be right. I can't even remember asking Juvia to go get you." Lyon apologised.

"Don't worry about it, Lyon. Now, get some sleep. I'll see you soon.' Gary said and turned to leave. 

"Bye, Gray. Stay safe." Lyon said before sagging back into his chair.

Gray chuckled and pulled the door open and leaving, he found Juvia waiting patiently on the other side.

"This place is a bit of a maze but ill find my way back. Can you help Lyon back to his room to sleep. He's exhausted and knowing him he'll go to sleep in his chair again." Gray explained to her with a smile.

"Mhm, thank you, Mr Gray." Juvia said politely before pushing the door back open and slipping back into Lyon's office.

Gray smiled to himself as he walked away and headed back towards the main part of the base. Next he would head to the security room which is heavily guarded and hard to access, especially the part that held Natsu's security footage.

Gray walked quickly through the halls and managed to find his way back after a few wrong turns and headed towards the security room. His walk looked meaningful which is most likely why no one tried to interrupt him as he headed to wherever he was going.

He got to the security room where two guards stood at the door.

"Hn, Gray? What are you doing here?" A guard asked Gray with a light frown.

"I'm here to look at the security. Makarov allowed me to go." Gary answered calmly.

(Its fuckin 12pm bitches and i swear if autocorrect changes it to gaRY ONE MORE TIME)

The guards seemed skeptical at first until a voice backed him up.

"Let him through, Makarov allowed it." A voice said and Gray turned around to see Erza who had been walking by when Gray's access was denied.

Gray gave Erza and appreciative nod before looking back at the guards. They seemed a little annoyed but still moved out of the way. One of them unlocked the door with a special charm that made the door his and slide open so that Gray could enter.

He stepped through into the concrete room filled with complex looking technology, looking around until the door closed behind with a bang. Gary walked around until he found another door that read DRAGNEEL above it in bold letters.

Gray scanned his hand print on the panel next the door and after a loud beep it unlocked and opened up for him. He opened the door and slipped into the room, sliding down into the seat in front of desk that held three screens.

Two of the screens held Natsu's room, the same footage just from two different angles while the centre screen held information checks on the latest data checks that had been preformed. Gary looked at the two screens and frowned.

It felt strange to watch Natsu through these screens, he watched him wander the rooms a little aimlessly. Gray felt a strong urge of sadness and wanted to dive through the screen and wrap Natsu in a tight hug.

Hold on.

Gray noticed the occasional flicker of a glitch that travelled a screen and his eyes widened. This was the same clip being played on a loop.

He looked at the last time a data check was preformed, it was only hours ago which means that whoever did this had only done it recently. Gray swallowed as he tried to wrap his head around what was going on.

It hit him like a bullet.

"I'm going to go look at the security footage later."  He felt the words ring through his head, did someone else hear him?

Was someone planning something? Something that Gray couldn't know about?

Gray's eyes widened as a light filled the room and he looked down at the necklace around his neck. It was growing brightly in the dark room.

Gray felt his chest tighten and he quickly got up. He ran out of the room and locked the doors behind him.

Gray urgently knocked on the main door and it opened a few seconds later thanks to the guards on the other side.

"Gray? What's wrong?" One of them asked and Gray didn't even answer, he just started running.

Gray started running through the base with the glowing necklace bouncing on his chest. He dodge people in the hallways, well, the managed to dodge him before he took them out like a rhino.

Gray slid around a corner and started to near the medical bay.

Something was very, very wrong.

-2219 words


yo yo its ya boy

i am so tired, its 12:30 and i am desperate for sleep

i am also done with auto correct on my computer so sorry I'm there is any weird shit just blame it on auto correct

i kan't bee botherd two edet

i legit wrote 1900 words in like 2 hours

yor wellkom


unedited rip ill do it tomorrow

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