Chapter 6. Stalker P2

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No ones POV

When Natsu finally regained consciousness his head was throbbing and his throat felt raw.

He groaned and looked to his side to find a sleeping Gray holding his hand, Gray seemed to feel Natsus movement and slowly rose up, his back cracking loudly from the position he'd been in.

"Natsu..." He yawned and rubbed his eyes before coming to his senses and pulling Natsu into a tight hug,
"Natsu!" He yelled.

Natsu was extremely confused,
"G-Gray... What happened?" Natsu croaked and winced from the pain in his throat.

"You don't remember?" Gray asked and Natsu shook his head.

"Well, the base was under attack and you had been locked in your room... There was no sign of an enemy anywhere in the kingdom but something happened in your room that left you screaming and staring into space. Jellal had to break your door down." Gray explained and Natsu frowned, trying to remember.

Natsus eyes began to widen and he brought a shaky hand to his mouth as memories flooded back.

"B-Brain was standing r-right t-there... He t-told me t-things and he... He t-touched me..." Natsu whispered and touched a hand to his cheek that Brain had caressed.

Gray frowned as he continued to ask question but didn't manage to get any more important information out of Natsu, none of it made sense.

He looked around the room with a sigh when something caught his eye. He left the bed and quickly walked over to a shelf before grabbing a small black object- a camera.

"What's that?" Natsu asked.

"A camera. This means that whatever happened must have been recorded!" Gray chirped but then froze,

"Wait... If this was put in by Makarov... He would know that he could just look back on the footage..." Gray swallowed thickly, "I think that someone else set this up in secret."

Natsus eyes widened and he shook his head, "n-no..." He whispered.

Gray hurried over to the door and opened up to find a group of close friends, guards and Makarov standing there.

Levy, who was at the front and was about to open the door let out a yelp of surprise, "G-Gray!" She stuttered.

Gray hurried the group in and they all stood or sat together at Natsus bed.

"Master Makarov, are you aware that a camera had been set up in Natsus room?" Gray asked and handed him the small camera while the others watched in confusion.

"No, I was not aware of this. Are you proposing that the intruder had place it in here before the events that occurred?" Makarov asked.

"Yes, exactly." Gray nodded and the other gasped and one of the guards hurried off to get a computer while Levy took a look at it and carefully removed a tiny backup chip.

They all waited anxiously as Levy pushed up her glasses and inserted the chip, they were all relieved before when she had announced that she knew how to open the video.

She stood back as the footage began to play and they all sat in silence as it crackled slightly before playing.

A figure in a dark cloak held the camera to their chest as they ran, clicking noises could be heard before a door opened,
"They picked the lock." Whispered Jellal.

The tiptoed through a dark room before lifting up the camera and placing it in the spot in which it was found, their face stayed completely hidden as they turned away and ran.

Levy hit fast-forward and it did in fact show footage of Natsu in his room. They all watched in horror as they went through weeks of Natsu in his room.

Occasionally the cloaked figure would return in the night and watch Natsu from the foot of his bed or sit in the chair next to him- it sent shivers down Levy's spine.

Eventually they made it to the day before and Levy quickly set it back to normal speed.

Natsu sat on his bed with his face in his knees, his head shooting up as something fell off a nearby shelf before the room began to grow dark and give a red tint to everything.

It blacked out for a second before showing a completely realistic Brain standing in front of Natsu and talk to him about something before caressing his cheek and disappearing like before.

Natsu then began to scream which lead to Jellal breaking down the door and Gray coming in after.

The video finally ended once Levy had taken out the chip and when it ended they all swallowed dryly.

"This footage is enough. It's no longer safe here so you shall move to Lacrima Scale as soon as possible. Not only is the security tighter there but one of my best and closest soldiers are there. You'll be able to stay out of danger until we sort this out, I'm going to have to get all hands on deck and call in the other bases for this one." Makarov muttered the last part.

"I'm sorry Master Makarov but wherever Natsu goes, the Dragon Slayers follow." Gajeel said strictly and Levy agreed.

Makarov sighed, "Alright, we can make an acception."

Just as everyone went quiet, Natsu stomach growled loudly and they all giggled except for Natsu who blushed in embarrassment.

"Hold on a second, Natsu. I'll go grab you food from outside." Levy said and Natsu nodded small YAS she walked away.

When she came back in with the tray of food and passed it to Natsu he looked at the bowl of rice and vegetables uncomfortably and frowned.

"What is it?" Gray asked and they all watched him in confusion.

"U-Um...this seems...gross to me... Can I have something warmer instead?" Natsu asked slowly and they all looked shocked.

"Uhh... I can get you a bowl of soup if that's better?-" Levy offered and Natsu quickly responded.

"No... I want something like... That!" Natsu exclaimed and pointed to something.

Their heads all turned in the direction in which he had pointed and their eyes all widened drastically as they let out a small gasp.


Was pointing at the fire place where the bright flames danced around dangerously.

"Alright!" Gajeel yelled excitedly after a long silence making the others jump in surprise or let out a short scream.

"I'll go get some on a plate for you!" Levy said quickly and hurried out of the room with Gajeel and Jellal trailing after her.

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