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I haven't been to school ever sense Gleek took my girlfriend. She was the only girl I ever became attached to, an hell, I haven't even had sex with her! Amy walks in my room, an hands me my phone. I must of left it on the table. "Don't be like that." "Like what?" I say crossing my forearm over my eyes and lay down on my bed. "Depressed." "Well, how about you go lose something you love." "Trey, come on now, you don't love her. You do this to every girl." I sit here and think... Don't love her? Do I love her? "You know what." I say sitting up and smiling. "I do love her. She's the realist girl I ever met. And she's scared of nothing. The question... Do I love her? Yes. In fact I do." I get up and walk to my closet pulling a shirt on my back and walking downstairs. "Where do you think you're going?!" Any tells at the top of the stair case holding on to the handle bar. "To get my girl." That Cockey grin smears on my face as I start walking out the door, but Amy grabs my arm. "I'm coming too." She grins with me as we walk out, and go to Allen's house. He opens the door, and Amy hugs him. "What's up?" Amy looks at me then looks at Allen. He lets us in and orders his human out the house. We sit on the satin couches. "What's up?" "We were going to get Anna back." "You mean the witch?" "Yeah." "Amy are you crazy? Gleek will have us killed within two minutes. She's probably already dead." "How? She's the last real witch. Her mother and father are dead. Allen." Amy says placing her hand on his knee. "I'm going, and I understand that you don't want to but, of Trey's doing it the -" Allen chimes in cuffing her hand. "I am going. For you. If you die, I die." We all nod, and walk out the house, Allen order his human back inside and we hop in Allen's car. The drive... Was quiet the whole time.

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