Chapter Four: In The Morning

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My alarm wakes me, and I sit up, scratching the head. Everything seems so brighter then usual, and I swear I can hear the sound of tapping.

From across my window I can see a figure behind my curtains, so I get up and look behind the suspenseful window.

To my surprise that tall boy with the hazel eyes is starring dead in my vision. I take a step back, and try to pretend like that boy isn't really there.

The tapping gets louder, and I fully open the curtain revealing his structure. He motions for me to open the window, and I cluelessly look at the handle to open my window.

I look at the boy then back at my window then back at the boy. Unlikely of me I open the window and look at him, holding my hands to the tip of my chin.

"Hello, I was wondering if you knew where the bus stop was? As you know, I'm new here." He says with a smile

I look at my clock, then back at the boy.

"6:30am" I say as quiet enough as possible, but enough so he can hear.

"ThankYou, and my, my." He says smiling even harder and squinting those unreal eyes. "Your pajamas are just, the best. Care Bears huh?" Then his window shuts, and I examine myself.

I have no pants on. My face heats up and I can see him laughing at me through the window. I shut window and let my curtain fall over.

By the time I get in the shower, change, and what not, I take a muffin from the counter, and head off to the school bus. There are already four people waiting, so I won't be alone for this one. Awkwardly... I hear Brittany and Selena talking to the new boy.

"So, where'd you move from? It's not very day we see people like you around?"

"New York." He says uninterested.

"Yeah? I heard people from New York know how to kiss the best." She leans up closer to him and he takes a step back.

"Listen... Cut the chit chat. How about after school, you and your hot friend over there can come over to my place for a little fun?" He says, which makes me angry, and hate him also.

"Sure." They say smiling wide and exchanging happy faces.

I push walk my way between them, and to my luck the bus comes and I get straight on it. You know the old joke, people who sit in the front, are losers? Well that's classified for me. I plop down right behind the bus driver, and place my pack in the extra space where someone else has to sit.

"She's such a dweeb." I hear people whisper.

"Yeah, I heard she watches anime flix all day, and eats butter straight out the tub."

They all laugh, and I ignore them.

When we reach the school everything, is tuned out as always. I grab my pack, and Selena puts her foot before mine so she can walk out first. God I hate that bitch.

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