Chapter Seventeen: Refusual To The Hand

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The morning is rude and slams sunlight in my face. The dead guy is gone, and there's no trail of blood on the floor. There's blood in my hair from Treys hand though. I go take a shower and brush my teeth, and wash my hair. When I get out Trey and Amy are sitting on the bed. Privacy is lacking now-a-days. "Are you okay? Come here." Amy says getting up and looking at me. "I wouldn't know. Here, drop your towel and let me check down there." I cough, and fix my towel to cover myself more. "Excuse me what?! That's sick!" "Uh, no it's not? If he tore something we need to put vampire blood there. It's either me or him." I look at Trey who is daydreaming, notices his name was brought up and looks this way. "Well, why can't I do it myself?" "Ugh, sometimes humans are slow. Well your not human. So I mean sometimes you're slow. Vampires sense every wrong injury. We smell your blood, I mean you're lucky we didn't rip your heads off already! If something's wrong down there we'll be the first to know. Knowing you, you might think it's normal." I guess I can agree, and I look at Trey. Amy notices this and she eyes me quickly leaving. Trey smiles hard, and I roll my eyes. Can't believe a fucking vampire that's not myself has to open up my pussy and see if it's okay. That's so nasty. "So.... Just sit on the bed and let your legs hand off the side." I do as told, and quickly run to my closet when we both hear footsteps. I throw on loose pajamas, and sit on my bed. "Hey honey, you okay? I thought I heard you yell." "Yeah, no, mom I'm fine. But ill be leaving to my friend Amys house for the night." "Come home when you wake. Don't forget your toothbrush." And she's gone. Trey comes from under my bed, and looks at me. "The night?" "We can't do this at my place. I have to sleep on my bed you know." He laughs, and I jump on his back as we speed through my house straight into his room passing Amy and her mother. His room is full of clothes, an Xbox, and a huge huge bed. Trey shuts the door locking it, and i sit on his bed, with my legs dangling off the bed frame. He walks over to me and slips my bottoms off, and slowly pulls down my leprechaun panties. He blows on my area, and pushes his finger on his tooth causing it to bleed. I get scared and flinch when his finger touches it. The pain I once felt quickly flows away, and right when I'm about to close my legs, he kisses right where my vagina lips split. I try not to make any sound, as he kisses my nub and I flutter, unable to hold myself up with my arms. Crashing with my back on his bed I thrust up, as he start kissing and licking. What is he doing? What ever it is it's hitting every angle and curve and part and oh fuck! Right when I think this can't get any better his tongues moves in a circular motion up and down and his arms cling around my inner thighs for support as my lower body keeps thrusting and jerking around. He stops licking and rubs my nub, over and over and over, then licks and rubs, and everything is just all ...oh god. When everything is high and at it's peek, it all goes away and I lay on his bed. I feel wet, so I look down, and see Treys chest soaked. "Oh my god! Did I pee on you!?!?" His mouth opens, and he smiles. "That... Was hot." I cover my face, and he sucks on it once more making a loud noise, and pulling my panties back up. The door knocks, and I quickly jump up to pull on my bottoms and criss cross sit on his bed. Amy opens the door, and motions for me to come with her. When I get up to walk, I feel weird, and .... I don't know how to explain. Trey eyes me and winks. I just eye him back and walk into Amys room.

"We can all smell it you know." She says examining her bright blue fake nails. "What do you mean?" "You... Him. I can smell what you guys did. Gross. But Allen's coming over to night. So... I don't know. Maybe you and Trey can come with. I'm warning you though... It's gonna be hectic." I nod and smile broadly. The rest of the night we dance and mess around (not in sexual way) play weird games and talk about things that's happen. I start to summer down and paint my nails, Allen rings Amys phone, and we get dressed.

By the time we're all in the car it's pitch black outside, and no ones out. Allen drives off into some forest, and we go off road. It seems like we're lost when all of the sudden the surroundings then into red shades. Someone's jumps on the car hood and smells. By the blink if an eye I'm snatched out the car and thrown on the floor. The man hisses, and before he can bite into my neck Amy pushes him off of me, and hisses with her fangs out. "She's one of us. The last survivor." The man nods and we leave the car, and enter a tall building. All different types of people are starring at me, and sniffing hard. Trey pulls me close and basically puts his mouth in my ear, barley whispering. "Don't make eye contact." And I don't. We enter a room that has a large thrown, and some guy with short raggedy black pitch hair, and blood covered all over him. Behind his thrown is a pool of blood, and blood waterfalls on every corner of the room. It reeks with iron, and decayed flesh. "Overlord. Meet Anna. The last survivor." She motions towards me leaving a path and in the blink of an eye he's sniffing my cheek like a vacuum cleaner. "You must be a witch." Witch? Okay, they're really just screwing with my head. "Oh, hello son!" He hugs Trey and grabs Amys neck to join along. I don't understand, if that's their father then who's the other guy in the house? "Now, you, witch, come here." He motions for me to come, and he wraps an arm around my shoulder, walking towards his thrown. "Ann... How long have you been alive?" "I'm 17." "Ah... Now.. Give me you hand." Looking around I see Trey look worried, and I don't place my hand in his. The room goes dead silent after Amy and some other people behind us gasp. "Take his hand..." She try's to mutter, but I don't. "I don't let people hold my hand if I don't know who you are." His eyes turn all red. Completely red. There's no circle in his eye or pupil. It's just red. "Now listen dear. You already smell terrific as it is, if you don't take my hand..." Blood red veins start appearing under his eyes. "I just might have a taste I the last witch alive. Your mother tasted terrific, your father? Ha. He put up a fight. The only question is, will you?" His hand comes back out and I refuse. The guys grin goes wide, and his quickness bites my neck, and I scream. Trey tries to run after me, but a group of vampires restrain him. Amy runs towards us, but people that look like dogs, restrain her too. I scream even louder, and everything is black.

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