Victor Criss 🎵// Surprise

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You were quite nervous to tell Victor that he's gonna be a dad. You didn't know how he was gonna react.

The Bowers gang were supposed to swing by your house to pick you up but you had called Belch and told him to skip your house. Belch was confused but none or less he said okay.

By now you would've been drinking with the Bowers gang but you were laying in bed trying to think of way to finally tell Victor that it's his baby. You had called Beverly and asked if she can come over.

"Y/n I think you should tell him" Bev said sitting on you beanbag 

" I know, I know but I'm scared that he won't want to be a father" You say while rubbing your belly

"Yeah but won't the boys notice that you're gaining weight and hanging out with us?" Beverly said picking at your bed sheet.

"Sure they would but I don't really care plus Henry's scared of me" you say giggling.


It's been five months since you had found out that you're pregnant. It's been five months since you had seen the Bowers gang. It's been five months since you talked to Victor. It hurt you just as much as it hurt Victor but you just couldn't face him yet. 

You wore very baggy clothes so your belly wouldn't show. The losers know about the baby so they were very careful, especially Eddie. He would aways ask if you were okay and if you needed anything. Even though you would always tell him that your fine and that he's annoying, he still askes.

You and the losers were by the bike rack, right outside of the school. You were all laughing and cracking jokes, when all of a sudden you were pushed. You immediately protected your belly, so did the losers.

"Well well well what do we have here? Look Victor your girl is hanging out the losers" Patrick says

Victor looks hurt but then regains himself.

"Too bad she's probably fucking all of them" Victor says laughing

You just look at him. Victor sees the hurt flash in your eyes, which gets replaced by anger. You get out of Eddie's and Stan's grip, walked over to Victor and slapped him.

The losers and the Bowers gang gasped. They all knew that you hated violence so for you to slap Victor, they all knew he hurt you.

"For information Victor, I am not fucking them. They're my friends that know a huge secret that I kept from you knowing that it hurt your reputation. But you know what since we aren't together anymore, I'm pregnant with your child so now go fuck that slut that you cheated on me with" you said with the words dripping with venom

Victor just looked at you, in shock. He didn't think you knew about the girl, but he was drunk and didn't mean anything by it.

Victor, the losers and the Bowers gang just watched as you walked away. They all looked at Victor with very mixed emotions. But Victor is just looking at you waking off not being able to say or do anything.


Hey guys I'm sorry that I didn't update for two days, I just haven't had any ideas and also had writers block. But I'm back! Hope you guys like this. Also should I do a part 2? xx

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