So, the incredible and stunning Rebecca Sky started a "Wattblog" and I thought to myself: "Self, Rebecca is brilliant, you should ask her if she minds if you do the same." So I did. And Rebecca, being well...Rebecca said, "of course I don't mind."
So here it is.
It's been my experience that a large percentage of authors post on a blog. Most do it regularly. Not me. I am horrible. I have started one, two, three... seemingly endless blogs, each with the promise that I will post regularly. But here's the thing. When you're not so sure someone with an actual heart, flesh and lungs is reading.... it's not exactly motivational.
So here we go again, a new blog on my favorite platform, Wattpad, where I will try and post things about myself or my life or random thoughts.
Hope you like it, and Rebecca, you're amazing. Thank you.