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"We have to do something crazy this summer Leia! We're juniors and it's time to live a little." Said Nat as we sit in our last class of the day.

"Oh whatever, we have the rest of our lives to do that. Let me be a lazy bum this summer it's the first one I've had off in like, ever." I say to her, and she throws me an annoyed face but drops it, for now.

I continue writing my name on a random paper I had in my pocket, Leia Padmé, Leia Padmé, Leia Padmé, yup only my parents would name me Leia Padmé. Which I think is pretty rad, I have two Star Wars characters names. I sigh, this class takes forever. At least it's almost over and I don't have to see these rude teachers for awhile.

Ah Summer, the best and worst time of the year. Worst, because it's hot! Me and heat aren't the best of friends and don't get me started on our lovely sun that gives us life or whatever but also turns me into a human crab. Damn you fair skin. The perks of it being Summer time is yup, you guessed it NO SCHOOL!

Unless you have summer school, then you're pretty much bummed out for a month more of waking up early and having to see people but AFTER that ends, it's time to party. By party I mean read books, Netflix, eat, and occasionally go to the mall with friends. Total party animal, I know. Anyway, it's the last day of school and I'm hanging out with two of my best buds Natalie; or Nat, funny, outspoken, best friend since 7th grade, and Janette; aka Jan, shy, quiet, super close friend that I met like, freshman year.

"Hey, do you guys want to hang out after for a bit then go to my house after school?" Natalie asked, looking between Janette and I.

"Do we have to walk to your house?" I asked hoping that she was giving us a ride with an air conditioned car.

"Well, no. We have to walk. But the air is on at home so it'll be worth it, besides exercise is good for you!" She says smacking my arm that was holding up my head on my desk casing me to hit my head against Jans head whom was working on some drawing.

"What the hell Nat. I hate when you do that!" I threw a eraser at her head, hitting her right smack in the middle of her forehead. She looked stunned then glared at me when she heard me an Jan laughing like a pair of hyenas earning a few stairs from our fellow classmates and a glare from the teacher. I don't understand why, it's the last day of school she should be happy. It looked like she was contemplating on telling us something when the bell finally rang.

You would think high school would be like that movie High School Musical, schools out and everyone starts dancing throwing papers in the air, but then if you think about it they would probably make us stay and clean.

"Hello!? Earth to Leia!" I jumped and realized I've been imagining the jocks in front of the quad singing "schools out scream and shout!" Laughing at myself, I look at my friends "Uh what did you ask?"

They both roll their eyes, "I said, are you coming or not?"

"Oh yeah, hold on I gotta return this book before I get charged for it." Walking to the library, which isn't much just a regular brick building with large windows in front and seats outside. I notice a group of guys sitting next to the entrance. Me being well, me I try and avoid all eye contact and get nervous walking by. Because what girl don't get nervous walking by a group of guys?

Walking in I hand in the book to the grouchy librarian, which looks and sounds like that slug lady from Monsters Inc. "Well it's about time." She grunts and I quickly walk away towards the exit. Running into someone I say a small 'sorry' and make my way around the person.
"Hey wait! Leia." I hear a deep voice call out, I turn around to see who it could be. "Uh here, give me a call sometime yeah?" The guy gives me a paper with a number scrawled on it and smiles when I look up at him, confused. He winks and walks out the exit. I blink a few times and shake my head. Wait, did that seriously just happen? I shove the paper in my pocket, let's just pretend that didn't happen.

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