Chapter 2

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"Emma,Em, wake up!"

Ugh! Why's Ethan shouting? My terrible headache isn't helping either. Wait. Why do I have a headache this bad? Oh right! I hit my head when I blacked out. But what I can't still process is that my parents aren't my real parents. Me and Ethan are adopted. And our real parents are some weird royal supernaturals who just turn up wherever they want to with their even more weirder magic.

"Ethan, bring a glass of water. She's waking up." Mom was concerned and I could make it out from her voice. Step-mom or not, she really did care about us.

A splash of water on my face made me open my eyes faster than light. Near me stood Ethan grinning like an idiot. That was only until he noticed my deathly glare though. If looks could kill, he'd be 10 feet under the ground by now.

"Ethan, what was that?" my mom exclaimed, wide eyed.

"What? She wasn't waking up. And we had to do something about it." he explained like it was the most common thing to do. "And see, she's awake, right?" His voice went down word by word when he noticed the glare mom, dad and I were giving him while, Abigail our little 4 year old sister was giggling at Ethan's antics.

"Happy Birthday Emmy and Ethie." Abigail sweetly wished us. And we thanked her, taking a kiss on our cheeks as her birthday present.

"I asked you to get the glass of water so she could drink it once she woke up. It wasn't for you to throw it on her face." Mom shook her head like she did when she was upset.

"It's fine mom, we all know how Ethie is!" My headache was almost gone now. And I knew how much his nickname irritated him, sweet revenge was all that was running in my mind now.

"You didn't. You know I hate that name." Ethan didn't waste a moment in lunging at me.

Expecting his reaction, I rolled over to the other end of the bed, successfully avoiding him. He didn't give up though. He got up stealthily and lunged for me again. This time, I was too slow and ended up caught.

"No, please, no." I pleaded him to stop.

"You started it." He grinned with his eyes sparkling and didn't waste even a moment in tickling me. That was one of my weaknesses and his strength. He wasn't even a bit ticklish while I was the complete opposite.

He finally stopped the torture after a few minutes. He wiped my tears from laughing so much and smiled at me.

"As childish as ever. You both are never going to change." Mom smiled making Abigail giggle again.

A cough from the door made me realize that those two who were supposedly our real parents, were here too.

"If your immaturity and childishness is done with, we would like to talk to the both of you." The man, my Father, looked unimpressed and bored.

"In private." he added when mom and dad didn't make a move. Mom, dad and Abby went out of the room just as they began speaking.

"Emma, dear, hope you're feeling better now." The lady, my Mother asked. I only nodded in response. I wasn't comfortable with them yet. And Ethan was the extrovert among us, while I was the introvert. My previous conversations might have not made it seem so, but I was like that only with my family and a few friends.

"Alright then, let's get to the matter at hand. I'm sure you both know that we are your actual parents." My father said. It's weird to call him that. I don't think I'll get used to it anytime soon.

"Introducing ourselves first, I'm Richard and your mother's name is Isabella." Richard continued.

"Cutting to the chase, there are supernaturals in this world. There are werewolves, vampires, Elementalists, faries and many more." Isabella started.

"We are both Elementalists. I'm a water and air elementalist while your father is a fire and earth elementalist. We do have powers of all the elements but are specialised in only two elements. Being our children, it is our guess that you will be able to specialise in all the elements."

"When I gave birth to the both of you, circumstances became such that we had to give you away to ensure your safety. The threat hasn't been destroyed yet. And we believe that only the two of you together will be able to eliminate the threat. You both will be trained to specialise in all the elements in the supernatural academy after which you will have your maximum power." she explained.

"I know this is all new to you and all but our visit here cannot be prolonged. Since we had previously thought of telling you the truth on your 18th birthday, it is only fair that you get to choose whether you want to join the academy now or later." she added noticing my hesitation.

We were both quiet thinking of the outcome of each choice. I loved my family and my friends here and didn't want to trade it for the world. Sure, after reading those fantasy books, I did wish for my own adventure. But now that it was right in front of it, I really didn't want to jump into it.

"As she said, we have very less time left. So we need to know what the both of you have chosen." Richard grunted out.

"Yes" Ethan said at the same time as I said "No".

We both looked at each other in shock. Did he really want to go? Abandon all this? Leave our family?

"Well that's alright. Ethan can come with us to the academy and Emma can join later. However Emma, since you don't want to leave, you will be given a trainer to teach you the basics so that you can catch up later on when you join." Isabella seemed pleased that Ethan had agreed while I sat there shocked unable to comprehend anything.

"Great then, Ethan pack your bags. We're leaving now. A car will be here in half an hour to take you to the academy." This was the first time I'd seen Richard happy, even if it was only half a smile.

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