chapter 8

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Astrid pov

Two more days past and I am finally allowed to leave the hospital. My voice is a bit better but it is still kind of difficult to talk. Luckily I have no broken bones but I am still in a bit of pain. I was waiting in the waiting room for Ruffnut and Tuffnut to come and get me since I am staying at there's. There is still no news of where my mum is. I am so worried about her. I can only hope that she is ok. I wipe the tear that is falling down my cheek when I hear a knock at that the door. The door opens and ruff and tuff come in.

"Hey how are you feeling" Ruff asked

"A bit better I say with my weak voice

 "That's good "Tuff said

"Are you ready to come?" ruff asked me

 "Yeah "I say nodding We gather all the stuff and leave together. We come out of the hospital and get into their mothers car. It takes fifteen minutes to get to their house. I have been there before. They lived in a very nice house and their family was always kind to me. Me and Ruff go to her room and I see a spare bed already made and a few of my things were there too.

"Like I said you can stay with us, I mean you are practicality family"I give her a smile and hug her

"thank you for everything" I whisper in her ear.

Later we both come down to lunch but I didn't feel like eating I was picking the food with my fork just moving it around. I just couldn't stop thinking about my mother.

"You ok Astrid" Ruff asked sounding concerned

"Yeah I am ok" I assure her

 "Are you just not hungry" she asked

"I just can't stop thinking about my mom"

"Astrid I am so sorry about what happened I can't imagine what you're going through but I want you to know that I am here for you. We all are" Ruff tells me

"Yeah we will help you find her" Tuff adds I give them both a smile

"Do you want to come with tuff and me and get the rest of you stuff from your flat later because the flats going to someone else very soon" Ruff asks meI didn't want to go there but I nodded my head because I had to

"You sure you don't have to if you don't want to"

"No I want to go" I tell her


Later We get to my flat and open the door with the spare key. I look inside and everything is Messer than usual and everything was quite. I look over to the spot where Jeff and almost killed me and I started to get flashbacks of it. I remember him pushing down at my throat and hitting me. I snap out of it when ruff grabs my hand and gives me a small smile I walk into my room and I start to pack my things in the boxes that we brought. I look in my draw where I kept my money and it was all gone.

I sigh and keep packing my things. I pack the rest of my clothes, my books and my other belongings. When I was done I went into my mother's room. It was a complete mess. Everything was knocked over and dark. I looked under the bed  and got out an old box which I knew contained the old photo album of me my mother and father. I opened it and saw the photos of me when I was younger with my parents. I looked so happy and so did they. I wish my father was still alive, I miss him so much. I noticed that there were more things in the box some old jewelry, a book which said diary on it. I looked inside and noticed it was my mother's handwriting. I close it and pack everything back into the box and took it with me. 

so that's the next chapter done. I know its shorter than usal but I will make the next one longer hope you liked it

love Asloveshttyd

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