*5* Good Luck Charm

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The next day

Kaycee Rice POV

"Okay I need all the details!" Tahani said to me

"We're just getting lunch Tahani relax"

"A lunch Date! It's not a time to relax!" Tahani said

Tahani was the third of my three best friends, she doesn't attend as many classes because she lives far but she's also a great dancer
As she's good at contemporary and hip hop making her a very versatile dancer

She's usually my go to when it comes to boys and stuff like this

Bailey can be oblivious for boys except for Kenneth and Tati is almost as bad as me

But now I feel like I should have asked someone else...

"Then you'll get married with me being the maid of honor of course then you'll have three kids! One boy named Ayden, a girl named Tahani junior and the third will be-

"Tahani!!! Stop!!!" I had to stop her as she was getting way too ahead of herself

"Sorry but I'm just so happy for you, the first class you excelled in, which I'm still mad I missed by the way, is the same night a guy asks for your number and now you're going on a lunch date!" Tahani said

Times like this is when I want to tell her about this static thing but other times she makes me feel she won't believe me

I'll wait till after I talk with Sean

"Okay just interrupt us about an hour after we get there" I said to Tahani as she also wants to go to Willdabeasts class

"I got you sis I'll make sure I can rescue you if this Sean guy is a creep or something" Tahani said

"Hani you already know Sean and you rescuing me is hilarious I would rather call Bailey at least she's tall"

"We're the same height Kayc!" Tahani said as I laughed

Sean Lew POV

Sean's phone:

Bros + Ken

Kenneth: Can you stop not including me with the Bros

you're way to busy to be called a true bro

Kenneth: I didn't ask to be this busy

Julian: Yeah it sucks not being able to hang with your friends
Oh wait that's only you with us

Kenneth: I get it 😒
I'll try to hang out more
Besides we should be talking about Sean's date

It's not a date
Wtf guys I've been saying this and you keep ignoring it

Julian: Do you have cologne?
You should wear some

Not a date

Kenneth: You should dress nicer than usual too

Not a date
We have class right after

Josh: Bring a change of clothes then

Josh you're literally coming with me to lunch don't encourage them

Josh: Yeah but I'll be waiting in the corner until it's time to go
Even then I might take an Uber after so I won't get in the way of you and Kaycee

Julian: See Kenny now that's a bro

Kenneth: Yeah I see now

I hate you three

Josh: See you soon bro!!

I got off my phone and started driving to Josh's

It was true I'm picking up Josh not only because he wants to go to Willdabeasts class as well but I need someone to try to explain this to before I talk with Kaycee

And between my three best friends... Unfortunately Josh is the easiest to talk to...

This is all strange I touch Kaycee we feel static and we just get good at dancing then it wears out after awhile


Is it just a stress thing?
A mental barrier?
Actual powers?
Kaycee herself?

Oh well

Josh gets in the car, buckled up and I proceed to drive

"You nervous?" Josh asked me

"Is it weird that I'm not?"

"Nah I just remember Julian's first date with Chloe and he was a nervous wreck!" Josh said

"Not a date!"

"I get it, but I mean Kaycee's a nice and pretty girl why not shoot your shot?" Josh said and he had a point which I wouldn't admit as he would start giving me advice on girls and such which was appreciated but definitely not needed

"Do you remember what you were saying about how Kaycee gave me good luck before I danced?" I said changing the subject slightly

"Yeah you walked in with... Not confidence, you're always confident, but you approached the room as if you were saying 'I'm the best dancer here and I'll show you why' " Josh said "It was just a different atmosphere, you danced as if you didn't hear me or anybody, just you and the music, you were in a zone"

I did black out which was closer to me zoning out

"And according to what Bailey and Tati said Kaycee did as well" Josh said as he did talk briefly to them yesterday

"Do you think she could be like a good luck charm for me?"

"I honestly don't believe in that superstition stuff like four leaf clovers, step on a crack and break your mom's back or I have to wear these special shoes to get good at this thing... I do believe your mind and attitude affects the things around you" Josh said as even yesterday he was using good luck as a joke


"If making physical contact Kaycee makes you feel different then yeah she could be your good luck charm or maybe you have a crush and felt a need to do better,  or something else entirely I don't know it's your decision" Josh said

"You're too smart sometimes" I said as we almost arrived

"Git! Wanna see this video of a cat playing chop sticks with chopsticks!?" Josh asked me trying to show me a video on his phone as I drive

Never mind it's Josh...
Still my best friend though

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