Jenna: Being A Friend

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(Special guest star chapter of Jenna Arakaki, OC and collab of princessmellifluous . Note: guest chapters are written in third POV because why the hell not. Also I changed the chapter name because it suited it better)

She was beauty.

She was grace.

She was from Tokyo, so she wasn't eligible to enter Miss United States.

Jenna Arakaki had been twelve when she'd been diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, an eating disorder that landed her in the hospital for four months. She still felt sick whenever she thought of it . . . her parents had divorced after that. The funds to support her had sucked them dry. Afterwards, her mother had remarried . . . Jenna didn't know what had happened to her father.

That was why she acted so confident in school. She had to be strong. She couldn't go through that again . . . she couldn't.


It was 2:12 AM when she got the text. With anyone else, she would've ignored it and resume her remaining hours of sleep. But when her phone flashed 'DAMIAN', she furrowed her eyebrows. Damian never texted her this early, even if it was an emergency. It was usually Zane or Andi.

D: heyy
J: Damian it's frickin 2
D: didn't notice
J: where are you??
D: Arsyn's
D: Astrid's throwing a partayyyyy
D: U should come

Jenna's brows furrowed even more from his last three texts. Damian hated Astrid. And Punzie, and any other older sibling that existed among his friends. Basically.

J: Damian, are you okay?
J: Are you drunk??
D: one cup
D: maybe three

Jenna rolled her eyes. She doubted it was only three if he was literally willing to text 'partay'. Damian was a serious Grammar Nazi. No kidding, he'd be that one friend pointing out all the writing errors on an essay.

J: Right, I'm coming, okay? I'm coming
D: coming
J: not the damn time
D: 🌝

Jenna's first course of action was contacting Arsyn. She doubted Andi and Zane were there, since they never really liked parties, and Arsyn would probably be shooing most of drunk guests out of her room.

J: I need a ride
A: Okay where to? And where are you?
J: I'm at my house. Damien's drunk or something
A: Shit ur right, he's staggering and stuff. We gotta get him out before he hurts himself
J: how ironic
A: shut up I'm coming

Arsyn's definition 'I'll be there soon' was to arrive two hours later. Jenna would know, she timed how long it took for her to get to her house. When she actually arrived, Jenna was only slightly surprised when she pulled up in a black and red Lamborghini Centenario. It was one of the newer designs, sleek black hood with red tips to add a futuristic feel. She knew it wasn't hers, Arsyn probably just took her pick on which car to joyride and started it up by messing with the wiring.

 She knew it wasn't hers, Arsyn probably just took her pick on which car to joyride and started it up by messing with the wiring

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2018 ⏰

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