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|Outside Wear|

|Outside Wear|

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"Well he looked about average... you wouldn't think he was super strong or anything, I mean physically he was normal. Emotionally maybe that's another story."

Seungkwan walked to school, dragging his feet with every step, his mind was off in another place.

Everything from the day before came rushing through his brain, so much happened in a span of a few hours. Might of been the first time in a long time that he had ever been caught up in something so messed up.

I really can't believe that psycho walked out without any pants, was he really trying to ruin his reputation... not that he had a big one or one at all yet, but still.. for the first day, to do something like that is just dumb.

Seungkwan frowned.

But I guess that's not close to what he did after... he's defiantly doomed for today.

- The day before -

"What about me?"

"You have no pants..." Seungkwan gives him a questionable look.

"So," Vernon turned around and grabs the handle to the shed door, "It doesn't matter."

With that the boy opened the door, pushed his bag onto both of his shoulders and made his way out. Seungkwan just stayed back watching him.

halfway down the side of the school, he stopped in place, then slowly he turned his head, facing it towards to the schools wall beside him, looking through the window.

Was he looking through the window though, or was he just looking at the picture in the window.

"Hey," Vernon called out, Seungkwan tilted his head, "Are you not coming?"

Seungkwan opened his mouth to say something but just shook his head, not that Vernon could see it, but the silence was enough to convince him to turn around.

"You want to leave don't you?" Vernon darted his eyes at Seungkwan, waiting for him to answer him.

"Yes..." Seungkwan stepped back, "But you can go first, people will think wrong if I am with you.. when you look like that."

Vernon gave Seungkwan a little smirk, "I see."

Why is he smiling like that... Seungkwan frowned.

"I guess you want to leave alone then," Vernon mocked as his face returned to emotionless, and he turned around.

"Alone..." Seungkwan felt himself move suddenly from the thought, and before he knew it he was behind Vernon.

Seungkwan grabbed onto the back of Vernons bag, as if to cling onto the boy that way.

"Just as I thought," Vernon smiled, "You're just like me."

Without any more words needed to be spoken by the two they made their way out to the open, and as soon as they did, people made it their own profession to laugh at the two.

At first it seemed that they were laughing at the fact that Vernon had no pants protecting his pale legs, but as the laughs began to mix with insults it became clear that they were teasing them because it looked as if they just slept with each other.

Seungkwan clenched his teeth, he was close to saying something to them. To tell them that it wasn't true, that Vernon was simply helping him.

But he couldn't, its not like they'd listen to him aways.

Vernon on the other hand wasn't reacting at all to what was being said, or thrown at them, in fact he couldn't hear them anyways, or see them either.

He had blocked everyone around him out.

So when he bumped into someone suddenly, he was taken aback.

He looked at the boy he had bumped into, "Get out of my way."

"Why, have some business to do when you get home?" The boy teased pointing behind him.

Vernon tilted his head at the boys remark, not completely understanding the context of it, "I do not own a business."

"What?" The boy looked to his side where his group of friends were laughing, "Are you retarded?"

Vernon looked to his side, focusing his attention at the tree planted at the gates of the school, "Strange place for a tree.."

"What the fuck?"

Vernon sighed and looked back at the boy infront of him, he didn't want to be in school anymore, especially because the random tree at the gates was making him uncomfortable now that he had noticed it.

"Move. Now," Vernon stepped up, as if to challenge the boy, and the boy did the same in return.

"Or else what?" He pushed Vernon by the chest making him step back a bit.

Seungkwan fell down, due to losing balance from Vernons bag jolting back and into him.

Vernon heard the sound of Seungkwan falling to the floor, and his lip twitched when he heard the elder let out a little groan.

The sounds of laughter crept into his ears slightly, and that was enough for Vernon to decide.

Before anyone could react, Vernon grabbed the boy by the collar and pulled him closer, so that their faces were only inches away.

He then pushed his head to the side of the boys face, reaching his peachy ears and with a voice as soft as cotton he whispered, "Or else I'll kill you."

"W-wh-" With that, Vernon pushed the boy lightly.

Though it looked like he had used all his strength because the boy flew to the ground, and his head smacked off the pavement.

That's when the atmosphere changed. Instead of laughing or mocking insults, there were gasps.

There was only gasps, and not even a whispered left anyone's lips, not even a cry. It was a gasp and then silent shock.

Vernon turned to Seungkwan and pushed his hand out to him, "Hurry, let's leave, the tree is annoying me."

Seungkwan looked around them, seeing how everyone's face stayed in a stated of utter shock.

It's not like Vernon killed him or anything, all he did was push the boy down, things like that happened all the time...

Yet why was everyone so still.

Seungkwan turned his head towards the boys body, getting a better look at who it was.

Then he realised.


Vernon had pushed Lee Chan

Kim Mingyu's adopted younger brother.



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