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|Stolen Item|

|Stolen Item|

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"I'm not sure if there was anything extremely strange about him, besides the fact that he always followed that kid around, but I just assumed they were bestfriend or something."

"F-friends, that's bullshit!" Seungkwan snapped, not believing the words that left the youngers mouth.

"What?" Vernon tilted his head, "I am telling the truth. I really have no interest in that."

"Like hell you do," Seungkwan pushed his face into his palms, the eyes around them made him want to cry, "Why would you pay $500 dollars for a friend?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Vernon asked tilting his head not understanding why that could be so hard to believe.

Seungkwan groaned into his hands, tears starting to freely fall from his eyes now.

He was really confused by the whole situation, and also scared about what will happen next, the message from Seungcheol really scared him, 'you're free bitch.'

"Hey, why wouldn't I?!" Vernon asked again still confused why he wouldn't do something like tha.

He then grabbed Seungkwan by his wrists and pulled the boys hands from his face, revealing the face of a beaten and crying boy.

Vernons didn't notice that his grip against Seungkwans wrist were tight, and that it was scaring the poor boy.

Seungkwans hands began to shake and his heart began to beat uncontrollably in his chest, w-why is he so strong?

Seungkwan looked up at Vernon, his bottom lip began to tremble from sudden fear.

"P-please let go of me," Seungkwan mumbled, as Vernons got closer to his face.

Vernon frowned at Seungkwan, was he really not going to answer the question.

"I don't understand you," Vernon said finally letting go of the trembling boy, "You were on my mind throughout the day, and I thought that it must be a good thing to be thinking about someone."

"But you're just another confusing person, someone I cannot understand at all," Vernon sighed and turned around.

Seungkwan clenched his teeth not knowing what to say to that. He's never had someone tell him he's been on their mind before, and he sure hell never met a person willing to pay $500 for a stupid friendship.

But it was strange, he felt like he couldn't just let Vernon walk away, especially because-

"W-wait don't go.."

Vernon turned around to Seungkwan, the same emotionless face still there.

"Please don't go... I-"

Dont Test My Love |Verkwan|Where stories live. Discover now