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|Toxic Kiss|


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"Well when I was the one talking he seemed to be in another world, but when he was talking about his interests...you could just tell. He was passionate about them."

"W-what's going on, a-am I being let out now?" Seungkwan called out, his tone was soft and delicate, as if he was trying his hardest to sound small and sweet.

Vernon dropped all his things on the floor, before pushing his hand over his mouth to hide his smile that had turned into slanted one with a bad twitch.

He didn't know how to feel about Seungkwan on the floor like that. He knew he didn't find it funny, and he knew that he didn't find it cute in any way. So what was this burning feeling that was tingling all over.

"Hey man, if you want to do him you can," Soonyoung informed the younger, that couldn't keep his eyes of the tied up boy, "We don't really need him anymore any ways."

When Vernon felt he had control on his expressions again he turned around to face Soonyoung again, but the reaction he got from the elder was the one he was expecting.

"Hey, hey now," Soonyoung stepped back with his hands halfway in the air, "Don't give me such a scary look."

Vernon breathed in slowly then out before speaking, "He was mine, I bought him, why did you take him from me?"

Soonyoung turned to his group of friends with wide eyes before laughing. In which irritated Vernon because he didn't remember making a joke. In fact he was very serious.

"Look he didn't just owe his boyfriend money, he also owed the rest of us too," Soonyoung explained waving the rest of the $5000 in his hand.

"Why does he owe you all money?" Vernon asked, wanting answers already, "and what do you mean by boyfriend?"

"Because we want him to," Seungcheol laughed, the rest of the boys laughed with him, "And he's my boyfriend."

"Hey, Minghao put the cash away," Soonyoung said handing the money over to a black haired boy beside him.

"Okay," Is all Vernon said before turning away from them to look at Seungkwan again. A sudden heat taking over him.

"Well alright then," Soonyoung looked over at Seungcheol that shrugged.

"We're going to dip so have fun with him buddy," Seungcheol said patting Vernon on the shoulder before walking off with the rest of the guys.

Seungkwan heard the loud sound of the door shutting and he jumped a bit, "S-Seungcheol is that you... are you getting me out now?"

Dont Test My Love |Verkwan|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang