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"Most people just think this was some kind of sick form of love

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"Most people just think this was some kind of sick form of love."

"I think it was the normal kind. Just regular love. That affected irregular people."


The boys walked down the long hallway until they stopped in the middle, at a wide dark wooden staircase with black velvet carpet covering its zig-zagged path. The mansion was already very dark and eerie, with its dimming lights above them that barely made a difference against the black wood interior. The real source of light was instead the candles that kept flickering on the walls.

When Vernon stopped, they all did with him. All of them shifted their attentions to these very haunting stairs that led up and up and up, deep into the dark second level.

"W-where are you taking us?" Soonyoung mumbled. He pulled onto Vernon's arm and got close to him. Since the moment they stepped foot in this house, there was this sort of cold breeze hitting their spines.

"To my room," Vernon said. At that moment they all imagined a string of lightning striking the house, like an old classic thriller, soon there would be a big green monster rising up from his bed to haunt them.

But there was no such thing. Vernon's house was just an old one, with a few renovations here and there.

Vernon started his way up the stairs and the rest of the boys followed along slowly, cautiously they all hugged close together, staying away from the bars like they all believed something might just snatch their feet from the open sides.

When they got to the top of the staircase they looked from side to side, a long way down each way, with so many doors. How many guest rooms did they have? Were there other fancy rooms like a theatre room, music room, game room? Well, none of that mattered, the room they were going to visit was Vernon's room. His sacred space.

"Your home is really dark," Seokmin said suddenly, breaking the flow of the cold breeze. "Even the windows don't get much light in because you got tints on them, who's bright idea was that when designing this place."

Seokmin let out a small chuckle, and Joshua nudged him to shut up. Discouraging, what he considered to be, rude manners. "Huh, oh sorry don't mean to insult your folks, I just think it's a little depressing. haha, I think I even saw bolts on a few of them, trying to keep something in haha."

This time Joshua slapped his hand over Seokmin's mouth and whispered, "Seriously Seokmin."

Seokmin simply shrugged, not really understanding the problem, when it was the truth. Seeing that shit was kind of creepy.

"Mm... it is," Vernon muttered. He put his finger to his lip and mumbled, "I guess... it was that person's idea... since there was always that problem..."

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