Chapter Twenty-Three- An Ending

Start from the beginning

"Aye," He grumbled but sighed. "We need to return soon though, unfortunately."

"No," She whined and wiggled her hips. "Let's stay."

"Woman," He grabbed her hips and lifted her off him. "You test my restraint."

Josie giggled and rose up on her knees. She stood, completely nude and completely comfortable in front of him. "I don't have any clothes."

"The pack will be in their rooms until I tell them otherwise, you don't have to worry about anyone seeing you. I would never let anyone else see what is mine." He firmly stated and pulled her body towards him

Josie held his hand softly. She took a step before stumbling, wincing in pain.

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern, checking for immediate injury.

"I'm just sore," She muttered with a sheepish grin. "I thought I wouldn't be since I'm all Fey now."

"Well you're newly immortal, which means some mortal tendencies still carry over for the next few decades." He said and when she pouted he pinched her chin lightly and kissed her pouted lip.

"I'll give you a ride back," He grinned before shifting right before her to his majestic beast. He bowed so she could clamber onto his back.

Josephine was a sight on Sinclair. A bared female riding a large wolf at such speeds gave her an ethereal look, like the Goddess of the Woods. She truly looked like the Queen of the Wolves- at one with her role in life.

When they were showered, dressed, and downstairs with the pack Josephine sat perched on Sinclair's lap as they fed each other blissfully. She was glad of all the Legends that were her mate she'd gotten a Wolf. They not only didn't mind PDA, but found it normal. Their peaceful dinner was disrupted by a man storming through the door. Josephine jumped, eyes wide with fear. Sinclair tensed, but relaxed when he noticed who it was.

Josie eyed the tanned man carefully. He was just as tall and muscular as Sinclair, but his skin was olive colored and crew cut his hair was the color of the sun, blond and his short beard matched it. There were individual braids in the short hair that made him seem barbaric, truly brutish. Two magnificent horns protruded from his head, they were black but cracked. In each crack it appeared that molten lava filled his rack.

He wore leathers and furs that reminded Josephine of Vikings and wore a devilish grin that seemed... genuine? This must be the fire demon Sinclair had told her about. The one Phoenix was running from, the one who saved her life at the battlefield.

"Raziel? Why are you not with your mate?" Sinclair asked and the fire demon snarled lightly.

"Never had her- bitch flew me to Antartica. Phoenix dropped me in four feet of snow and left." He grinned and Josie's jaw dropped.

"Phoenix! I know her!" Josephine interjected with a grin then winced at her child-like outburst.

"Do you now?" Raziel asked and eyed her.

"Leave her out of this," Sinclair sternly stated. "I owe you my life- everything I have but Josephine. Why don't we take this to my office."

"No need, I will be staying here until you contact the Russian. He has Phoenix's sidekick, Phoenix will be coming for her." Raziel stopped then stood up straight, "It's also a pleasure to make your acquaintance Luna."

"It's really nice meeting you too, and um, thank you. Very much. For helping Sinclair and for helping me." She meekly said and tucked her hair behind her ear. "I'd be willing to talk to Phoenix for you if she visited me."

"Much obliged."

Josie watched him leave and looked up at Sinclair, "Where's he going?"

"Likely to find a room to stay in." Sinclair smoothed her hair from her face, "We've a lot of things to do before everything gets back to normal. Móðolfr is running free with vampires out to destroy him, the surviving rogues will likely still attempt to seek vengeance, things will struggle before it settles. When they do, littlest one, I will be putting a bairn in you."

The thought of a bunch of babes running around surprisingly didn't strike fear in her heart. She placed a hand on her stomach and looked up at him.

"Maybe in a few years?"

"That's a promise," he vowed with a grin and Josie kissed him.

Well, let eternity come.

It's been so much fun writing for you guys! I hope you enjoyed Josephine and Sinclair's story and I hope you hop on to join Binx and Móðolfr! Go check it out if you're interested!

See you soon,

A Primal Passion - A Night's Mate| Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now